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Aktuelle Veranstaltungen
The event is hosted by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine at its premises in Kyiv
15 - 16 Mär 2016
BILAT USA 4.0 kick-off
The consortium meets for the first time in Brussels
First in a series of three workshops planned in Danube-INCO.NET
Discussing with participants participation in and preparing for Horizon 2020
WBC- and Danube-INCO.NET as examples of projects involving JRC
ZSI will participate in the ESASTAP 2020 workshop on science for policy advice in Cape Town
Danube-INCO.NET workshop on smart specialisation (S3) strategy design for non-EU countries
Moving RRI from idea to practice: The need for quality criteria and indicators
Final SC Meeting and Project closure
'Science in Asylum' project presented at high-level conference in Brussels
Ideen ohne Schranken oder grenzenloser Hype? Klaus Schuch, wissenschaftlicher Leiter des ZSI, in Diskussion.
GFF Science Forum am 30.11.2015 um 18:30 in der ÖNB
Research, policies and practices in European and global perspectives – international conference in Vienna
Soziale Innovationen - Chancen auf Zukunftsmärkten erfolgreich nützen
Studienpräsentation / Podiumsdiskussion
BesucherInnen erwartet ZSI-Expertise u.a. zu Workplace Innovation und zur Mobilität älterer IKT-Arbeitskräfte.
This event will put great emphasis on assembling R&I policy stakeholders of the Danube region.
ZSI co-organises this panel within the 4th EUSDR Annual Forum on behalf of Danube-INCO.NET.
Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Migration und Flüchtlingsintegration
Einträge per Page: 10, 20, 50

Gesamt: 420

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