News Filter
The Lost Millennials project has launched!
Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, Evaluationspraktiken von Arbeitsmarktinitiativen für 25+ NEETs zu verbessern

Das Projekt “Lost Millennials – Transnational research network for the evaluation of initiatives targeting 25+NEETs” hat im Novemebr 2021 begonnen und wird durch den zweiten Call des Fund for Youth Employment...

Austrian study analyses  transformation to Open Access in science
New publication "Open Access im Wandel" by Katja Mayer (in German only)

In the context of the preparations for an Austrian national ERA Action Plan, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science, and Research commissioned a study on the current situation in Austria (...

Online SciCom course: Communicating trustworthy information in the digital world
The MOOC is part of the European TRESCA project: ZSI provides insights in Module 4 "The Policy Maker".

As we observe that science and facts are being called into question, what can be done? The TRESCA project is developing a massive open online course (MOOC) to explore this question directly and to improve...

RETHINK-TRESCA final online event on 21-22/03: REGISTER NOW!
Connections, Conversations and Science Communication – The future of public trust in times of uncertainty

Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd March 2022 | Online Register now – participation is free of charge. TRESCA project partner ZSI will host panel 4 on "The future of public trust: what role for policy...

Irina Vana/ZSI spricht mit Markus Koza/Grüne und Rolf Gleißner/WKO zur Zukunft der Arbeitslosenversicherung

Arbeitsminister Martin Kocher plant eine umfassende Arbeitsmarktreform. Irina Vana sprach für das MoMagazin mit Markus Koza, Sozialsprecher der Grünen im Parlament, und Rolf Gleißner, Abteilungsleiter...

Russian attack on the Ukraine
Restore peace!

ZSI has many professional contacts in the Russian Federation and Ukraine, and has been able to make good friends here and there. We are all the more shocked by the ongoing violent events in the region...

ZSI joins a new European research action on China
The EC selected the Horizon Europe project "ReConnect China" with involvement of ZSI for funding

We are pleased to announce that the Horizon Europe project "ReConnect China: Generating independent knowledge for a resilient future with China for Europe and its citizens" with involvement of ZSI successfully...

Supporting the Green Deal and a fair transition

With this press release the European Science Foundations as coordinator and jointly with its partners inform about the "Launch of ACCTING - AdvanCing behavioural Change Through an Inclusive Green deal...

Launching mAkE - the African European Maker Innovation Ecosystem
Kicking-off the international partnership building under ZSI coordination

ZSI is coordinating the mAkE project - African European Maker Innovation Ecosystems.  In 3 years, starting from February 2022, the project aims to facilitate the collaboration between...

Der SEED-Hub Newsletter Nr. 3 steht zum Download bereit!
Aktivitäten zur Stärkung sozialer Unternehmen & Social Entrepreneurs in der Grenzregion SK/AT!

Die dritte Ausgabe berichtet über die kommende SEED-Hub Veranstaltungsserie, organisiert vom SEED-Hub Projektpartner Fachhochschule Burgenland (FHB): Soziale Unternehmer*innen schaffen den Spagat zwischen...

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