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Funding opportunities in Research Policy & Development
Telegram on most current calls in September & October 2014 – recommended by ZSI

The ERANet-LAC project will be issuing its 1st joint call on research and innovation of programme owners for interested stakeholders in Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean Countries on 16th of ...

How to participate in Canadian funding programmes?
Guide for European Researchers to Canadian STI Programmes & Webinars

The guide for European researchers, published in English and French, is intended to help European researchers and innovators identify and access opportunities for collaboration with their Canadian colleagues...

Neues Trainingsprojekt zu Sozialer Innovation in Unternehmen
„Soziale Innovation in KMU – SInn“ startet Ende 2014

Soziale Innovationen sind aufgrund demografischer Veränderungen und weiterer globaler Wandelerscheinungen in unserer Gesellschaft von größtem Wert für Unternehmen und haben einen standortsichernden Charakter...

Review on SUSTAIN Cluster Meeting in Bogor, Indonesia
Fruitful exchange on climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials in August 2014

Environment research projects from Southeast Asia and Europe met for ZSI-facilitated twinning, knowledge exchange and identification of follow-up and exploitation opportunities.The SUSTAIN EU-ASEAN project...

 EU-India STI Cooperation Days 2014
5th Edition with focus on energy research in November

Following in the tradition of the FP7 project New INDIGO, its successors INNO INDIGO and INDIGO POLICY together with the European Commission and the European Business and Technology Centre (EBTC) are ...

ener2i invites to the ener2i Brokerage Event on Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency in Minsk, Belarus.

The event will be held on October 14, 2014 in the framework of the XIX Belarusian Energy and Ecology Forum “ENERGY. ECOLOGY. ENERGY SAVING. ELECTRO” – ENERGY EXPO–2014. The ENERGY EXPO is the largest ...

Kooperationspartner des ZSI bieten im Rahmen eines EU-Projekts Mobilitätsmittel für Kooperation mit Australien an

Das FP7-Partnerschaftsprojekt „Connecting Australian-European Science and Innovation Excellence (CAESIE)“ unterstützt die Entwicklung von Kooperationen zwischen Forschern und KMUs in Australien und Europa...

ZSI experts edited and co-authored the recent report on innovation policies and support systems of selected countries

With this study, the SEA-EU-NET project presents an analysis of the variety of innovation support policies, programmes and instruments available in selected Southeast Asian countries. The report first...

ZSI in den Medien: Gastkommentar von Klaus Schuch & Josef Hochgerner, ZSI

  Gastkommentar auf APA Science Seit es Forschungs- und Technologiepolitik gibt - und das ist noch gar nicht so lange her - bemüht sie sich herauszufinden, was die vielversprechendsten zukünftigen...


Within the framework of INDIGO POLICY, the Linking Programme call for proposals is now open!   Deadline for submission: 29 September 2014 (12 :00 CET / 15 :30 IST) Type of...

Hanna Scheck and Alexander Degelsegger in Tokyo to present "Dimensions of EU-Japan collaboration"

ZSI experts Hanna Scheck and Alexander Degelsegger presented the JEUPISTE project's bibliometric study on EU-Japan research collaboration at a seminar at the Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS...

Scientific comprehension and definition of social innovation

The Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI) was established 1990, many years prior to present day vibrant debates pertaining to social innovation, its promises and potential merits. It is the oldest of now...

The SEA-EU-NET project, where ZSI leads the analysis work, offers 10 grants to excellent researchers from Southeast Asia to assist in preparing an ERC Starting Grant proposal

The SEA-EU-NET project opened a Call for Proposals (deadline: 1 September!) to support excellent researchers from Southeast Asia in preparing ERC Starting Grant proposals. Concretely, the scheme...

von Wolfgang Michalek, ZSI

Das ZSI ist in gezählte 24 erfolgreiche Jahre gekommen und hat bisher einige Wachstumsschübe durchlebt. Zur Gründungszeit arbeitete eine engagierte kleine Gruppe an verschiedenen Standorten in Wien. Heute...

Article in Research Europe published quoting Klaus Schuch from ZSI

Horizon 2020’s teaming initiative, aimed at reducing R&D disparities between regions, may not provide enough incentives for “advanced” countries to create partnerships, an event has heard. Read...

Immer mehr Initiativen zur strukturellen Förderung von sozialen Innovationen!

Neben der systematischen Aufnahme des Themas 'Soziale Innovation' in Horizon 2020 (und davor schon am Ende des 7. Rahmenprogramms) auf EU Ebene gibt es zunehmend Initiativen in verschiedenen Ländern zur...

Within the framework of the INDIGO Partnership Programme (IPP), at which ZSI actively participates, an EU-India joint call for proposals on « Clean Water and Health » is now open!

The INNO INDIGO Joint Call on "Clean Water and Health" has been launched on 8 July and will be open until 15 October 2014. The sub-thematic areas are: - Development and applications of membrane technology...

Review on SEA-EU-NET's
Focus on framework conditions for innovation!

The SEA-EU-NET project has held an expert workshop on public procurement for innovation (PPI) on 25th of June at CNRS in Paris. The event was part of SEA-EU-NET’s analysis activities, which are led by...

Workshop on "Labour Mobility in Central and South East Europe"

Together with the International Migration Organisation (IOM), the Centre for Social Innovation organised the workshop entitled “Labour Mobility in Central and South East Europe” at the 3rd Annual Forum...

Einreichfrist 25. September 2014

Eine Ausschreibung für europäische Forschungsprojekte mit Russland wurde kürzlich im Projekt ERA.Net RUS Plus geöffnet. Österreichische ForscherInnen können vom FWF in folgenden geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen...

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