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eCraft2Learn invites you to join a hands-on workshop for crafting/learning

eCraft2Learn invites you to follow up on a hands-on workshop for crafting and project based making, held as preconference activity. Workshop time and date: 09:30 – 17:30 on 22 Nov 2018 Workshop ...

8th Newsletter by ResInfra@DR with news on RI in the Danube Region available
Transnational cooperation and a macro-regional scope of the sustainable development of research infrastructures

This volume illustrates once again joint efforts to strengthen the framework conditions for Research Infrastructures in the Danube Region –  it provides you with news including a selection of publications...

Winners of EU Social Innovation competition announced
Klaus Schuch, Scientific Director of ZSI, is member of the jury of the EU Social Innovation Competition 2018

With the help of an independent jury consisting of social innovation experts (among them Klaus Schuch, Scientific Director of ZSI), the Commission selected three projects as winners of the 2018 European...

How can I build an alarm system for my sweets? ZSI has shown it to kids at the Maker Fair in Salzburg!

In the framework of the MiniMaker Fair 2019 in Salzburg, ZSI and Salzburg Research cooperated in setting up a common stand for digital education and entrepreneurship. During 10th of November approx. 800...

Über die Mission, die Welt zu ändern
Artikel im Der Standard über die internationale FTEval-Konferenz

Der Standard berichtete in der Ausgabe vom 7. November 2018 unter dem Titel "Über die Mission, die Welt zu ändern" über die Ausrichtung der österreichischen EU-Ratspräsidentschaftskonferenz "Impact of...

Commissioner Carlos Moedas signals support for the #SIDeclaration
Yesterday, Carlos Moedas, Commissioner for R&I publically signalled support for the Declaration for Social Innovation.

The Social Innovation Declaration (#SIDeclaration) has been signed by more than 500 people across Europe in a variety of sectors and countries. ‘Acknowledging the terrific work of the Social Innovation...

ZSI projects contribute to improving perspectives for young researcher and entrepreneurs

At a conference held by the International Institute for Peace in Vienna, ZSI researcher Dr. Maximilian Benner presented conceptual ideas on how to improve young reseachers' and entrepreneurs' economic...

Transferability aspects with regard to migrant entrepreneurship

Since beginning of 2017, the AMIF-funded project MEnt (Migrant Entrepreneurs team-up with mentors) aims at facilitating, fostering and strengthening migrant entrepreneurship in five EU countries (Austria...

Vote for ZSI! Thank you!
ZSI project nominated for the Innovation Radar Price 2018 of the European Commission

Among 1000s of EU projects, ZSI has been selected among the top 10 institutes within the 'Best Early Stage innovation' category of the Innovation Radar Prize 2018 for its eCraft2Learn project funded under...

Die Studie gilt in den Regionalmedien als eines der größten Bürger_innenbeteiligungs-Projekte

Die vom Regionalmanagement Obersteiermark West beauftragte Studie zu Betreuungsbedarf und -angebot für Kinder und im Bereich der Pflege in der Region Obersteiermark West, die vom ZSI durchgeführt wird...

Social Innovation Trainings by ZSI for Made in Danube
Three events to learn concepts, theories and tools to understand social innovation initiatives

Results of social innovation – new ideas that meet unmet needs – are all around us. Social Innovation has furthermore been increasingly perceived as answer to the rising number of societal challenges ...

New report of the EC's Policy Support Facility published with ZSI contribution
Specific Support to Slovenia: Internationalisation of the science base and science-business cooperation

The European Commission (EC) has published a report by its Policy Support Facility (PSF) on "Specific Support to Slovenia: Internationalisation of the science base and science-business cooperation". The...

MEDIENECHO 2. Nov 2018
ZSI Project DOIT features @ Forbes
We promote learning-by-doing based on experience and creative processes with maker spaces, fabrication and digital tools

Quote: "Funded within the H2020 programme, the project connects 13 educational institutions, fab labs, research centers and organizations  from 10 European countries (Austria, Belgium...

APA-Science: Expertenwissen
ReSTI Infodesk Präsentation beim DSPF Networking Event in Wien

Die Networking-Veranstaltung am 31. Oktober 2018 im Wiener Rathaus stellt einer interessierten Fachöffentlichkeit Danube Strategic Project Funds (DSPF) Projekte vor und bietet unterschiedlichen Interessensgruppen...

Sign the #SIDeclaration!
For a Fairer, More Inclusive Europe!

EU policymakers are negotiating Europe’s next long-term budget. To make #socinn a cross-cutting priority in all EU policies and programmes, we recommend "Creating a cross-service European Social Innovation...

Er fliegt für EU-Projekte um die halbe Welt
Die KleineZeitung mit einem Porträt über ZSI-Mitarbeiter Philipp Brugner

Am vergangenen Samstag (20. Oktober) veröffentliche die KleineZeitung ein Porträt unseres ZSI-Mitarbeiters Philipp Brugner aus der Abteilung Forschungspolitik und Entwicklung. Mit einer persönlichen...

Exploring Crossroads - Quality in Collaborative Knowledge Production in Cities
The workshop invites stakeholders from Valletta Cultural Capital 2018 to discuss Quality Criteria for Citizen Science

"Sharing the Legacy" - The fifth in the Valletta 2018 Foundation's series of annual conferences, this conference encourages broad reflection on the central issues that define urban life by channelling...

Invitation to the ReSTI Infodesk presentation at the DSPF Networking Event
The event with guests from the Danube Region takes place on 31/10/2018 and is hosted by the City of Vienna

Excellence in research, social and technological innovation project management (hereinafter: Excellence-in-ReSTI; in short: ReSTI) is a cooperation project funded by the Danube Transnational Programme...

How do smart specialisation strategies affect the institutional context of regional or national economies?

A working paper by ZSI researcher Maximilian Benner addresses this question. The paper includes empirical case studies on Lower Austria, South Tyrol, Slovenia and Croatia and looks at these regions' or...

ZSI selected as one of 50 finalists for the EC‘s Innovation Radar Prize 2018
Thousands of EU-funded innovations from across Europe were scanned!

ZSI has been selected as one of 50 finalists for the European Commission‘s “Innovation Radar Prize 2018”. This prestigious prize scheme puts a spotlight on high quality innovative excellence emerging ...

For a Fairer, More Inclusive Europe, Sign the #SIDeclaration
Sign the #SIDeclaration today to tell EU policymakers that Europe needs innovation to benefit everyone.

While industries like pharmaceuticals and automotive are good at getting decision-makers’ attention, the social innovation community - a broad movement of people and organisations innovating for public...

ZSI in
Donauraumprojekte und Partnerschaften in der Region

In diesem Die Presse-Artikel, der einen Ausschnitt der Donauraumkompetenz des ZSI darstellt, werden unter anderem die Projekte ResInfra@DR und ReSTI in Excellence hervorgehoben. Felix Gajdusek erläutert...

APA Science:
Ein Beitrag über die und Interview mit zwei Projektverantwortlichen der FH Burgenland und des ZSI

Forschungsprojekte zu organisieren und zu verwalten ist eine Wissenschaft für sich, aber erlernbar. Das Know-how dafür will ein neuer internationaler Lehrgang unter der Leitung des Zentrums für Soziale...

ZSI researcher Dr. Benner presented findings from European regions and countries

At the recent "SMARTER" conference hosted by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre and the Regional Studies Association in Seville, ZSI's Dr. Maximilian Benner presented findings on the role...

The monthly newsletter focuses on OpenScience as a systemic change for research activities, also in the WBC

In a nutshell, Open Science is transparent and accessible knowledge that is shared and developed through collaborative networks (Vicente-Sáez & Martínez-Fuentes 2018). The idea captures a systemic...

New Made-in-Danube Newsletter on Bio-economy just released
The Bulletin informs you quarterly about the progress in the field

One of the main territorial challenges concerns the low competitiveness of SMEs - often caused by the lack of innovation capacities of involved actors. The DTP funded "Made in Danube" project responds...

APA Science:
Excellence-in-ReSTI Pilot-Training für internationale Projekt-manager/innen

Lesen Sie den Beitrag auf APA Science - bitte folgen Sie dem Link...    

Excellence-in-ReSTI Pilot-Training für internationale Projektmanager/innen
25 Projektmanager aus der Donauregion starteten in den Projektmanagement-Pilotkurs. Das ZSI ist Projekt-Koordinator.

Zwei Tage lang ging es für 25 ‚early stage‘ Projektmanager/innen am 1. und 2. Oktober 2018 an der FH Burgenland in Eisenstadt rund um die Themen Lernen, Netzwerken und den Aufbau von Fähigkeiten rund ...

Die Social Innovation Academy Workshop-Serie startet
Die Social Innovation Academy bietet Workshops und Onlinekurs rund um Social Entrepreneurship und Soziale Innovation

Die Social Innovation Academy ist ein kostenfreies Lernprogramm, bestehend aus einem Onlinekurs und praktischen Workshops. Sie bietet ein spannendes Programm für alle, die die sich für Soziale Innovation...

INCOBRA: H2020 Proposal Writing training and final Consortium Meeting in Vienna
ZSI delivers day-long Horizon 2020 training event for EU-Brazil networks

In the framework of the INCOBRA project, ZSI Senior Expert Gorazd Weiss and Communication Specialist Michael Wilkinson delivered a day-long training session for selected EU-Brazil research networks on...

ResInfra@DR project launched two Calls inviting...
Expressions of Interest to participate in a ResInfra@DR support activity. Submission deadline: 10 Oct. 2018!

The ResInfra@DR project  (Facilitating macro-regional scope and link up to socio-economic actors of Research Infrastructure in the Danube Region) is designed to strengthen Research Infrastructures...

ZSI Senior Researcher Manfred Spiesberger participated in an EU TAIEX expert mission to Moldova

An EU TAIEX expert mission from 10-14 September 2018 provided support to the Moldovan Ministry of Education, Culture and Research. It helped in elaborating the National Programme for Research and Innovation...

SAVE-THE-DATE by ResInfra@DR: Concluding Consultation Meeting
Update: The event on research infrastructures will be held on 27 & 28 November 2018 in Budapest!

The participants of the concluding consultation event of Workpackage 3 of the ResInfra@DR project will discuss and enrich the draft versions of three guidance documents concerning the following topics...

Soziale Innovation Gestalten: Gelungener Kick-Off der Social Innovation Academy
Ein spannender Nachmittag ganz im Zeichen von sozialer Innovation und sozialem Unternehmertum

Gemeinsam mit arbeit plus und dem NPO&SE Kompetenzzentrum veranstaltete das ZSI am 5. September 2018 den Kick-Off der Social(i)Makers Social Innovation Academy. Dieses kostenloses Lernprogramm...

Competitiveness and Innovation for long-lasting transnational collaboration in the Danube Region’s bio-economy field

The event was organised in Zagreb on 26th September by the Made in Danube project with the support of the Croatian Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts (PA8 co-coordinator) and the Ministry...

Invitation to the SIC final conference! Register now!

Register interest:

Kick off meeting in Budapest 26-27 Sept 2018

On 26-27 September the partners of the project met to prepare the upcoming activities. Core topics of the meeting icluded an overview of prominent examples of social impact investments (SII) - also including...

Meeting with two Speakers of the EaP PLUS Info Day & Workshop held in Armenia
On 13 and 14 September, a Horizon 2020 Widening Programme Info Day & Workshop took place in Yerevan, Armenia

On this occasion, we had the chance to have a discussion with two of the Speakers after the event: Mr. Wojciech Adamiak, National Contact Point (NCP) from Poland, and Mr. Pierantonios Papazoglou, Scientific...

S4D4C represented EU science diplomacy in Washington D.C.
S4D4C held a joint session with two other EU-funded projects during the AAAS annual conference on science diplomacy

On 14 September, the global science diplomacy community gathered at the headquarters of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) for the "Science Diplomacy 2018" conference and the...

Einladung zur Präsentation der in Eisenstadt: 2. Oktober 2018
Excellence in Research, Social and Technological Innovation (ReSTI) Pilot Curriculum & Training Kick-off

Wann: Dienstag, 2. Oktober 2018, 13:00 – 17:00 Wo: Fachhochschule Burgenland, Campus 1, 7000 Eisenstadt Einladung (deutsch) - Einladung zur Präsentation der Das internationale...

Austria supports Kosovo in improving its system of innovation
Helmut Gassler, senior researcher at ZSI, advices Kosovo on identifying feasible innovation support schemes

On 20 September 2018, the HERAS project, which is funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation, organised in cooperation with the Kosovan Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) a conference...

Finalists of the European Social Innovation Competition 2018 announced
Klaus Schuch, scientific director of ZSI, selected together with his jury fellows the 10 strongest projects

Today, the European Commission announced the finalists of the 2018 European Social Innovation Competition. Congratulations to all of them! The finalists come from 10 different countries - Austria, ...

Die Ergebnisse des Projekts INNOVCare wurden am 5.9 in Brüssel präsentiert

Bis zu 30 Millionen Menschen in Europa leben mit einer seltenen Krankheit. Seltene Erkrankungen betreffen weniger als eine von 2000 Personen, aber man zählt über 6000 unterschiedliche Krankheitsbilder...

BESTPRAC Open Call: Exchange between Research Administrators
Deadline for applications for BESTPRAC STMS is 30 September 2018

The call for STSM (Short Term Scientific Missions) within COST TN1302 BESTPRAC is open with a closing date for applications of September 30th  2018. All details of the call are also available at...

Die OECD bezieht sich auf die Ergebnisse der FIMAS-Studie

Die Organisation für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (OECD) bezieht sich in ihrem neuesten Bericht zur Integration von geflüchteten Frauen (Liebig & Tronstad 2018) auf die Ergebnisse...

How is European knowledge production distributed across regions?
First KNOWMAK data story shows differences in regional innovation activities

The KNOWMAK data stories are intended to demonstrate the features and opportunities of the KNOWMAK tool by means of concrete applications to interesting research and policy questions. The first data...

Social innovative Entrepreneurs
Triggering innovation and entrepreneurship with kids

Our first DOIT action as part of the pilot testing of the DOIT approaches was succesfully conducted in Gröbming from the 3rd to 6th of September. In four days, 18 students aged 6 till 12 years old...

MEDIENECHO 6. Sep 2018
Social Entrepreneurship fördern
Social(I)Makers im aktuellen "Der Standard"

Die Forschungsbeilage des aktuellen Standards berichtet über das Projekt Social(I)Makers und den Start der "Social Innovation Academy". Ab 10. September 2018 können Interessierte online und onsite spannende...

Konferenz: Vielfalt von Open Success

Die 12.Open-Access-Tage 2018 finden vom 24.-26. September in Graz statt. Sie richten sich an alle, die sich mit den Möglichkeiten, Bedingungen und Perspektiven des wissenschaftlichen Publizierens befassen...

European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and the Humanities (ENRESSH) - Deadline 20 Sept. 2018

CA15137 European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and the Humanities (ENRESSH) opens a call for Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) which are aimed at strengthening existing networks...

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