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The second policy brief of the NewHoRRIzon project calls for specific actions to tackle 'Grand Challenges'

Read the latest policy brief nr.2  on 'Lacking Integration of Societal Needs and Ethical concerns into European Research and Innovation Policy severely limits the ability to tackle 'Grand Challenges...

Evaluation: Austrian Offices for Science and Technology - article in
Minister Rauskala asks for joint umbrella branding for Austria's international representations in the field of R&I

Based on the findings of the evaluation of the Austrian Science and Technology Offices (OSTA) in Beijing and Washington conducted by ZSI in cooperation with Joanneum Research and coordinated by Dorothea...

EU Social Innovation Competition 2019
Klaus Schuch (ZSI) is member of the Impact-Prize Jury of EUSIC (2019)

The Impact Prize recognises the project that has achieved the most significant social impact over the past 12 months. This extra prize is designed to ensure that the projects supported under the European...

Amazon fires 'show need to improve EU science diplomacy'
Interview in Research Europe with Klaus Schuch, ZSI

Klaus Schuch, scientific director of ZSI, argues for more efforts in international science diplomacy and a more political stance of R&I policy makers responsible for international cooperation towards...

Science|Business Network highlights NEUROTWIN project
Promoting the Ukrainian Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology

Under the title "Ukrainian neuroscientists tap Horizon 2020 in bid to boost excellence" the Science|Business Network reported about the ambitions of Ukrainian neurscientists and an interview with Oleg...

Preparing for Science Diplomacy - leaving the comfort zone
Interview with Elke Dall (ZSI) and Tim Fink (DZHW)

In preparation of the S4D4C Science Diplomacy networking event to prepare a European Science Diplomacy Roadmap, which takes place in Berlin on 10 October 2019, Elke Dall (ZSI), project coordinator, and...

ZSI cooperates in lifting Ukrainian neuroscience research
NEUROTWIN helps to re-establish the Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology as an international centre of excellence

In August one of ZSI's most recent projects officially started. Called NEUROTWIN - Pan-European twinning to re-establish world-level Neuroscience Centre in Kiev this project is a Horizon 2020-funded Twinning...

ZSI participated at the international CEISAL conference in Bucharest, Rumania, 29-31.07.2019.

In the framework of the EULAC-Focus project – Giving focus to the cultural, scientific and social dimension of EU-(CE)LAC relations – ZSI was responsible for steering and coordinating the research on ...

Gemeinsam mit den TeilnehmerInnen werden konkrete Methoden und Werkzeuge ausprobiert und erste Umsetzungen geplant.

Zielsetzung: Die Teilnehmer/innen lernen DOIT-Methoden und Maker-Werkzeuge kennen, um gemeinsam mit anderen Aktionen für und mit jungen sozialen Innovator/inn/en in Makerspaces zu organisieren, zu planen...

Update on the Social Innovation Assembly
The First Social Innovation Assembly took place virtually on June 28, 2019

The First Social Innovation Assembly took place on June 28th, 2019 as a lightweight virtual format for exchange and communication among social innovation practitioners, facilitators and researchers hosted...

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