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Final conference of the Lost Millennials Project
...einen wichtigen Beitrag zum laufenden Diskurs über Jugend(un)beschäftigung in Europa

Das Projekt "Lost Millennials" hatte kürzlich die Abschlusskonferenz "Lost and Found: Reimagining Europe's Employment Policies", die am 28. November 2023 in Brüssel stattfand. Das von Island, Liechtenstein...

ZSI-Studie zu Kooperation zwischen Europa und China in den Medien
Ein Blick nach Österreich und Deutschland

Die vom ZSI im September 2023 im Rahmen des Horizon Europe-Projektes ReConnect China verfasste Studie zur Kooperation der EU-Mitgliedsländer sowie der Schweiz, Norwegens und Großbritanniens mit China ...

Social Enterprises & their Challenges and Solutions in a Social Ecosystem...
Cross-border analysis (A/SK) based on SEED-Hub project findings in the journal "soziales_Kapital"

This article deals with the challenges for founders of social enterprises in the context of social  enterprise ecosystems. Based on a research study (in the course of which 75 interviews were conducted...

Learn. Exchange. Connect - Co-creating Responsible Energy Transitions
Final confernece of H2020 responsible energy transition project.

  As the "RIPEET- Responsible Research and Innovation policy experimentaiton for energy transition" project, coordinated by ZSI, is coming to an end, our consortium is happy to invite you...

CRETE VALLEY: pioneering the first renewable energy valley in Europe
The project aims to transform Crete into a sustainable, decentralised energy system.

Through a combination of renewable energy sources, CRETE VALLEY will demonstrate, in real-life conditions, the sustainable and cost-effective production and storage of renewable energy to cover the Island...

2024 begins with the first ReConnect China MOOCs
For everybody who wants to enjoy a free learning experience on China

One of ReConnect China's main objectives is to broadly inform society, and in particular persons in education (pupils and students), about China. In this vein, the project takes different vantage points...

Highlights from the project aiming at AdvanCing behavioural Change Through an INclusive Green deal

ACCTING (AdvanCing behavioural Change Through an INclusive Green deal) is an EU-funded project that started in February 2022 and runs 40 months until 2025. It aims to understand the impact...

The WeLaR project Mid-Term Conference in Leuven on 23rd-24th May, 2024
The conference invites contributions on the effects of global trends on European labour markets and welfare states.

The Horizon Europe project WeLaR will host a conference on the effects of global trends on European labour markets and welfare states.We will examine how digitalisation, globalisation, demographic shifts...

Corona-Aufarbeitung: Wo die größten Fehler passierten
Der STANDARD berichtet über die ÖAW Studie mit ZSI-Beteiligung

Die neue Studie, die Österreichs Corona-Politik aufarbeitete, benennt wichtige Gründe, die zur Polarisierung führten, und hält einige Lehren für künftige Krisen bereit. Der Beitrag des ZSI befasste sich...

We wish you a Happy New Year
Season's greetings from ZSI

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