Kooperationspartner Filter

Die Jacobs Foundation investiert in die Zukunft junger Menschen, damit sie sozial verantwortungsbewusste und produktive Mitglieder der Gesellschaft werden können.

KLIEN funds climate protection and energy projects with a research, mobility and market penetration focus.

Know Centre

K&I is a social research organisation established in 2016.

NPO in Montenegro supporting the knowledge society

Knowledge Media Research Centre

The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, founded 1808

Non-governmental and non-profitable organization on education policy and research established in 2000

Ministry with responsibilities in education, science and technology in Kosovo*

KAA – Kosovo Accreditation Agency

Közép - Pannon Regionális Fejlesztési Zrt

Production of new research information and communication of the results of domestic consumer

Kungl. Tekniska Högskolan (Royal Institute of Technology)

Non-profit corporation implementing its programs in the subregions and Latin-American and EU member states.

A Greek innovation studio working for migrants and refugees

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Gesamt: 1525

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