Founded in 1948, PUCRS is a Brazilian reference in higher education and research national and internationally.
Pontis is of the largest grant-awarding foundations in Slovakia supporting philanthropy, corporate volunteering, and CSR promotion.
Operational Programme Human Development
FCT is responsible for S&T support in Portugal
stimulate competitiveness of Greek enterprises and research institutions
Felix Stalder is professor for digitale culture and theory of networks in Switzerland
profil.metall - Netzwerk Stahl- und Metallverarbeitung in Brandenburg und Berlin
Redhouse NET
Implementation of international cooperation activities on behalf of the BMBF
ProtoQSAR is a company of computational chemistry, specialized in the development and optimization of active compounds in diverse areas, like pharmacy, cosmetic or functional food.
We create energy efficient & sustainable facades
RTDI Public foundation
Public libraries empower citizens to create a democratic, socially engaged and digitally inclusive Europe.
Reaches out to almost 600 universities & public research organisations across Europe.
The Regional Council of Puglia, Italy
Through its independent citizen science research and consultancy PULSAQUA helps build a sustainable world, leading the field when it comes to water-related environmental problems.
PV CYCLE offers collective and tailor-made waste management and legal compliance services for companies and waste holders in the EU.
Price Waterhouse Coopers