Generation 65 Plus is acting as connection between research, education, industry and society
GenØk - Centre for Biosafety is a non-commercial foundation
Geological resources for sustainable development
main leading unit in the field of "Earth Sciences" at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Geological Survey of Slovenia
Funding agency
Based in the United States, Atlanta
DZHW conducts applied empirical research in the area of the higher education and scientific research system
Bundesanstalt fuer Gewaesserkunde
Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Forschung
Consulting company working for international donors, governments and the private sector
Giunti Interactive Labs S.r.l.
Company innovating with customers in the food, beverage, consumer goods and fragrance industries
Private Economic Research Institute in Hungary, specialised in economic analyses and forecasts.
Global Affairs Canada manages Canada's diplomatic and consular relations, promotes the country's international trade
GIG is a community of innovation hubs, makerspaces, hackerspaces and other grassroot innovation community spaces, and individual innovators, makers, technologists and changemakers.
towards a water secure world
GWP CEE was established in 1998 and is an international network of organizations involved in water resources management
Globaz, S.A.
Prusice is a commune of almost 10 000 inhabitants located on the outskirts of the Wroclaw agglomeration in Poland in a quite isolated but touristically attractive neighborhood.
British university college
Energy storage improves energy security in remote island in northern Azores, Portugal
Spanish municipality
Czech partenr in IncoNet CA
mature@eu proejct
Groupe des Ecoles des Télécommunications –Institut National des Télécommunications
GSI operates a globally unique ion accelerator and is contributing to the understanding of the structure of matter & evolution of the universe
gsub Projektegesellschaft mbH
GET spezialisiert sich sowohl der Grundlagenforschung als auch der Auftragsforschung im Bereich erneuerbarer Energieträger.
Hafelekar Unternehmensberatung Schober GmbH
The IWH conducts economic research in its three Research Departments Financial Markets, Macroeconomics, and Structural Change and Productivity.
local government
Hauptstelle RAA NRW
HCERES hosts the Observatory of Science and Technologies (OST) responsible for strategic research and analysis.
Research and Technological Development Association in Health in Bosnia and Herzegovina
HU Cairo
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research
Operation, maintenance and development of the power distribution network in Greece.
Electricity Market Operator
HFRI supports Greek research and operates under the General Secretariat for Research and Technology
Operation, management, exploitation and development of the Greek Natural Gas System.
Research University in Athens
Hellenic Society for the Protection of the Nature
German national research institute for earth sciences