
VII. Bled Forum on Europe - Foresight Conference on Global, European and Regional Governance

Datum: 3. - 4. März 2006

With this conference the organisers want to contribute to the further advancement of foresight research in Europe and especially also to the development of scientific capacities for foresight research (technological and socioeconomic foresight) in so called Western Balkan countries
(Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro, Macedonia, and Albania).

Main topics of the conference will be:

- Global challenges (AC UNU Millennium Project) and the role of Foresight for global governance.
- European challenges (Lisbon process and beyond) and the role of Foresight for European policy making.
- Governance challenges for Southeast European or Western Balkan countries and the role of Foresight for policy making in and towards this region.

The conference also aims at providing a basic inventory on who is doing what in foresight research in SEE countries. In addition, researchers from SEE countries active in foresight research get an opportunity to find out about »state of the art« in foresight research, about global, and Europe-wide programmes and networks on foresight research in order to facilitate the integration of SEE foresight researchers in existing networks and programmes.
Furthermore the conference aims at giving an impetus to regional foresight studies focusing on SEE region (comparable to the IPTS Enlargement Futures-Project)

The organisers of the "Foresight Conference on Global, European and Regional Governance - VII. Bled Forum on Europe" launched a call for grant applications for the training seminar “Introduction to Foresight Research” for researchers from SEE Countries (Albania, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro including Kosovo, FYR of Macedonia) and for the participation at the conference itself.

For further information please see also the Homepage of the Bled Forum on Europe (

Typ: Veranstaltungen des ZSI

Organisator: Bled Forum on Europe, Slovenian Research Agency, Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office Ljubljana

Veranstaltungsort: Bled, Slovenia


Blaž GOLOB, Undersecretary, Slovenian Research Agency, Bled Forum Co-ordinator
Researcher Europe 2025 Project, SRA: Trg OF 13, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Tel: 00386-1-4784734,
Mobile: 00386-41-734-734,

Miroslav Polzer, director of the Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office Ljubljana (ASO),
Dunajska 104; SI-1000 Ljubljana; Slovenija - e-mail:; homepage:
tel (office): 00 386 (0) 1 5684 168; tel (mob.) 00 386 (0) 40 984 750 & 00 43 (0) 664 4203648

Webseite: ... /1140.html

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