
14th Steering Platform on Research for Western Balkan countries

The Steering Platform to deal also with Horizon 2020...

Datum: 5. - 6. Juni 2013

Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung

The next meeting takes place on 5-6 June 2013 in Budva, Montenegro.The event is open only upon invitation.

The Steering Platform facilitates the interaction between the Western Balkan Countries, the EU member states, the candidate and potential candidate countries and other states associated to the Framework Programmes for RTD and the European Commission. Its main objective is to support the enhanced integration of the WBCs in the European Research Area. It is a strategic body to deal with European, multilateral and regional issues of Science and Technology policies in and with the WBCs. It acts as an information exchange centre, clearing house for joint ideas and activities, and coordination forum for needs, suggestions and proposals of the WBCs to the European Commission, the EU27, candidate and potential candidate countries and the countries associated to FP7 (AC) and vice versa.

Usually, meetings open with the discussion of progress reports on recent developments regarding S&T coopration in/with/for the Western Baklan countries and ends with the adoption of specific conclusions. At next meeting, after the opening statements, the discussion will centre on latest developments, novelties and  support in view of Horizon 2020. Beside that, also progresses of other regional cooperation initiatives and strategies will be debated. For more information - please follow the links below.

Typ: Kooperative Veranstaltung (ZSI als Co-Organisator)

Veranstaltungsort: Budva, Montenegro


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