SEE Annual Event 2013
Datum: 19. Juni 2013
Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung
The South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme is organising the Annual Conference 2013 on 19th June in Bucharest (Romania) under the title "SEE achievements in view of the new programmes in the area".
This year conference will focus on the linkage between the present and future of territorial cooperation in the South East Europe area. The achievements gained by the SEE programme and projects during these years must be known and used firstly by the SEE projects but also they should be taken into consideration by the decision-makers when preparing the two new programmes in the area (Danube and South East Gateway). On the other hand, to increase the impact of the projects' achievements, synergies between projects working on the same topic should be found and capitalisation tools should be provided.
In this sense, the event will mainly be divided into two parts (see draft agenda below). The first part will focus on the future of European Territorial Cooperation in the area, including updated information about the two new programmes. The second part will explain the thematic capitalisation strategy of the programme and the achievements gained by both the programme and the projects so far. In the last session, some time will be allocated for networking purposes to those projects open to participate in the above-mentioned SEE capitalisation strategy.
EVAL-INNO (Fostering Evaluation Competencies in Research, Technology and Innovation in the SEE Region), coordinated by ZSI was selected to lead the working group on Thematic Pole 1: Innovation Governance and Policy. This project will also be presented with an information stand, by offering interested colleagues detailed information about e.g. training opportunities in RTDI evaluations. RTDI Evaluation Standards produced by EVAL-INNO will be promoted as well.
Source and more information here: SEE annual event 2013.
Typ: Veranstaltungen anderer Institutionen
Veranstaltungsort: Bucharest, Romania
Involvierte ZSI-Mitarbeiter/innen:
- Mag. Ines Marinkovic
Verwandte Artikel:
- Projekt: EVAL-INNO: Evaluation in RTDI in SEE