
VERA: Forward Visions on the European Research Area

Final conference in Brussels: "Underpinning its (r)evolution"

Datum: 21. - 22. Januar 2015

Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung

This conference will be the final event of the VERA Forward Visions on the European Research Area project. It is targeted at policy makers at the European level concerned with Science, Technology and Innovation Policies (STIP) and at stakeholder groups having followed and participated in VERA activities before. It is open to experts and everybody interested in the subject.
The VERA foresight process focuses on the European Research and Innovation Landscapes and Governance in 2030. It is - inspired by profoundly different future scenarios - an exercise to look for policy issues we need to prioritize today. In that sense, we are trying to build a consensus among STI stakeholders: Looking out for those issues which appeared repeatedly in the different VERA backcasting approaches with stakeholders in focus groups and the VERA symposium as well as in a “policy lensing” analysis done by the VERA team.
The conference will offer these insights relevant for all STI policy makers and it shall feed and inspire structured debates about the future of the European Research Area (ERA) and the political and societal priorities underpinning its (r)evolution.

Typ: Kooperative Veranstaltung (ZSI als Co-Organisator)

Organisator: Fraunhofer ISI

Veranstaltungsort: Brussels



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