ZSI in Ukraine: Fostering the participation of Danube region stakeholders in Horizon 2020 with a special focus on SMEs
Datum: 23. April 2015
Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung
Many non-EU countries (including all non EU MS countries in the Danube Region: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Moldova, Montenegro, Ukraine) are already associated to Horizon 2020, thus this topic has been selected by the consortium for this second workshop in the frame of the Task 2.3 “Innovation Union and ERA in the Danube Region” of the Danube-INCO.NET project.
ZSI, as project coordinator opens the workshop and many partners contribute to informing about SME participation in H2020.
The specific objectives of the workshop are:
- Analyse the experience of the non-EU countries in regard of their status as countries (about to be) associated to Horizon 2020 and transfer the experience of EU member states (about the governance processes; efficient programme promotion; the mechanisms of communication between policy-makers and the R&I landscape);
- Discuss the ways of SMEs` participation in the Horizon 2020 and best practices of this in non-EU countries;
- Identify the mechanisms of strengthening of SMEs` participation in the Horizon2020 and measures to be recommended for enhancing of this process.
The three target groups for the event are the decision-makers; the representatives of SMEs and researchers.
More than 60 participants from 9 countries including 8 partners of Danube-INCO.NET had the opportunity to assess the situation, particularly in countries that are not EU members, concerning the participation of stakeholders in R&I programs to review their status as countries associated with the Horizon-2020; gain experience to be a participant in the program Horizon-2020 by the Member States and to identify concrete measures to encourage and support participation of the Danube Region in research and innovation programs. The workshop ended with a discussion of role of the Danube-INCO.NET and other projects in fostering of SMEs involvement in HORIZON 2020.
Typ: Kooperative Veranstaltung (ZSI als Co-Organisator)
Organisator: IMPEER, NASU
Veranstaltungsort: Ukrainian National Academy of Science, Conference Hall, Vladimirskaya, 55, Kiev, Ukraine
Kontakt: Local organiser contact: Oleg Rubel, rubeloleg@gmail.com
Webseite: http://www.nas.gov.ua/UA/news/ ... &ffv1=2184
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Tags: Danube Region, Ukraine