
MLE on Widening Participation and Strengthening Synergies

ZSI expertise brought to the third country visit – improving networking

Datum: 22. - 23. März 2018

Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung

This third fact-finding visit saw the national participants and MLE expert advisors meet Irish research and innovation (R&I) stakeholders in order to gather information and discuss good practice on improving networking through participation in a range of R&I actions. E. Dall from ZSI was invited to a presentation about the networking effects and lesson's learnt in the cooperation programmes in the Danube Region.

MLE on Widening Participation and Strengthening Synergies Topic Report 3: Improving networking through participation in EU-level initiatives

The report produced by the PSF expert C. Nauwelaers reflects the results achieved in the workshop presenting strategies, innovative mechanisms and schemes developed at national or regional level and aiming at improving networking through participation in a wide variety of EU-level initiatives, in order to reinforce capacities to participate in the EU FP. The report provides a landscape of existing initiatives, and identifies lessons learned through exchanges of experience with respect to national strategies for participating in EU networks and programmes, as well as lessons for specific EU-level networks. It can be downloaded from:


Typ: Veranstaltungen anderer Institutionen

Organisator: DG RTD, Unit A4

Veranstaltungsort: Dublin

Webseite: ... -synergies

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Tags: policy recommendations

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