Western Balkans Research and Innovation Meeting
Datum: 26. - 27. März 2019
Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung
The aim of the Western Balkans Research and Innovation Meeting is to follow up on decisions taken during the Steering Platform meeting in Brussels of June 2018 including an update on R&I strategies and budgets, technology transfer activities, and various ongoing initiatives.
The meeting - that is upon invitation only - will provide moreover the opportunity to discuss the forthcoming Western Balkans Summit (July 2019, Poznán) and potential research and innovation related messages highlighted there. It will finally provide the opportunity for preparatory steps towards the Ministerial Meeting in June 2019 in Skopje.
The event is supported by the International Cooperation Service Facility on behalf of the EC. For further information, please visit WBC-RTI.INFO or contact Desiree Pecarz (pecarz_at_ zsi.at)
Typ: Kooperative Veranstaltung (ZSI als Co-Organisator)
Involvierte ZSI-Mitarbeiter/innen:
Verwandte Artikel:
- Veranstaltung: 17th Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries
- Veranstaltung: 16th Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries
- Veranstaltung: 15th Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries
- News: In Focus of WBC-RTI.INFO: Steering Platform on Research for Western Balkans
- Projekt: ISF Support for the Steering Platform on Research and Innovation for Western Balkan Countries
Tags: Balkan, policy dialogue, research and innovation policy