
World Science Forum 2019 in Budapest

ZSI is at the WSF in the frame of the S4D4C project

Datum: 20. - 24. November 2019

Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung

The World Science Forum (WSF) 2019 is taking place in Budapest at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences between 20-23 November. The main theme of the event, also in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the 1999 World Conference of Science, will be “Science, Ethics and Responsibility” with a prominent sub-theme of “20 Years in Science Diplomacy”. Four days of intense discussions provide an opportunity for scientists, policy-makers, society, industry, and science communicators to be challenged from an ethical standpoint in the plenary sessions and allow for more technical debates over issues of science in thematic sessions.

With this specific focus on science diplomacy, WSF 2019 provides a perfect opportunity for the S4D4C project (coordinated by ZSI) to provide insights into the topic as well as to highlight specific project outcomes. Therefore, S4D4C will be present at the event in the form of a thematic session, organised by the project in cooperation with UNESCO under the title:

Science Diplomacy for Global Challenges: International Frames, Norms and Ethical Principles

This joint thematic session will provide a platform to discuss the role of normative instruments in promoting science as a global public good to be able to address global challenges and ethical issues deriving from its advancement.

In particular, the session will present cases of the use of normative instruments to address science diplomacy issues in particular in the field of water diplomacy, climate change, food security and bioethics, as well as for responsible research and science at large. More details are provided on

Date of the session: Friday, 22 November 2019
Time: 17:00-18:30 hrs
Venue: Large Lecture Hall

And if you are interested to discuss the work of S4D4C or the ZSI with us there, please feel invited to drop us a note at!

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