
Local tracking of SDGs achievement and links to EU-SPI

Our project partners present SDG localising tool and links to the EU Social Progress Index

Datum: 10. September 2020

Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung

Time: 10 September, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM (CET)


In 2015, the UN General Assembly adopted the resolution “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” as a follow-up to the Millennium Development Goals. The 2030 Agenda sets targets for 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with 169 concrete targets and 232 indicators. It is foreseen that 60% of all SDGs are to be achieved by local implementation. It is therefore key for public authorities to be able to track their efforts to achieve SDGs at the local level. The presentation will therefore discuss the local tracking of SDGs in Europe. It will first present the conceptual link between the SDGS and the EU-SPI as well as the other projects that look at local implementation and tracking of SDGs. Some of these projects are coordinated by international organisations, namely the European Commission and the OECD but a few regions have done their own efforts to localise the SDGs in a way that fit their specific context. Finally, the presentation will introduce the state-of-play in the development of a SDGs localising tool that is user-friendly and highlights the progress made by European regions which is developed by an ESPON project, currently implemented by Technopolis Group.

09:45 (before the meeting)

Technical checks, the online meeting room will already be open

Start: 10:00

15 min

Welcome by Tonia Damvakeraki, introduction to the agenda, technical explanation

Introduction of the Speakers

20-25 min

The importance of localising the SDGs: international organisations and regional efforts (Apolline Terrier)

10-15 min

Clarifications, questions & answers, feedback

20-25 min

The ESPON SDGs localising tool (Paresa Markianidou/Palina Shauchuk)

10-15 min

Clarifications, questions & answers, feedback

Rest of the time

End: 11:30


Conclusions by the Speaker and Farewell by the Facilitator


Registration and virtual meeting room:


Link to the zoom online meeting:


Typ: Veranstaltungen anderer Institutionen

Organisator: EU-SPI pilot project

Veranstaltungsort: online

Webseite: ... 544546503/

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