POLICY ANSWERS Workshop on Anticipatory Science Advice in the Western Balkans
Bereich: Forschungspolitik & Entwicklung
Datum: 13. - 14. März 2023
On 13 and 14 March, the POLICY ANSWERS partners DLR, Institute Mihajlo Pupin and STP of Montenegro gather a diverse list of R&I experts from all WB6 as well as the RCC and UNDP.
During the workshop, the participants will work with the 2023 R&I scenarios and identify goals and priorities for the region, according to the participating R&I experts from the region. Eventually, the experts will propose measures which they consider pertinent to reach these goals in the near future.
Typ: Kooperative Veranstaltung (ZSI als Co-Organisator)
Organisator: DLR, IMP, STP-MNE
Veranstaltungsort: Podgorica
Webseite: http://www.wbc-rti.info
Involvierte ZSI-Mitarbeiter/innen:
- Magª. Elke Dall (Teilnehmende/r)
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