Veranstaltungs Archiv Filter
Aktuelle Veranstaltungen
Präsentation des BMBWF zweier Mappings der Forschungsinfrastrukturen der Digital Humanities in Österreich
Knowledge for Change: A decade of Citizen Science (2020-2030) in support of the SDGs
A virtual peer learning event to discuss the EU-Social Progress Index in relation to issues of ageing societies
Exchange views and build your science diplomacy community with the ZSI-coordinated project
Eröffnung der Wanderausstellung "Open Up! Wie die Digitalisierung die Wissenschaft verändert"
Citizen Science: Anspruch und Bedeutung
Our project partners present SDG localising tool and links to the EU Social Progress Index
Encounters in Citizen Science
Several activities with ZSI involvement planned for ESOF 2020 - join us, physically or virtually!
18 - 21 Aug 2020
EASST4S 2020
Lessons from Big Data in the Covid-19 pandemic
VIRTUAL peer learning workshop on the EU Social Progress Index
Are you wondering if the course is something for you?
Inputs to the European Social Progress Index (EU-SPI)
DanubeChance2.0 lädt ein zum Webinar "Basiswissen: Insolvenzverfahren" am 28.04.20. Sichere Dir jetzt Deinen Platz!
Open call for contributions for the final conference!
"10 Jahre Östliche Partnerschaft der EU" am 9. Dezember 2019 um 17:30 Uhr in der Landesbibliothek Steiermark
Register for the virtual meeting bringing together the social innovation community - second edition
S4D4C is seeking candidates to participate in the Vienna workshop on science diplomacy. Apply until July 20, 2019!
ZSI is at the WSF in the frame of the S4D4C project
5th Global Research Conference: Social Innovation and Socio-Digital Transformation
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