
EU‐INDIA STI Cooperation Days: 8 to 9 November 2012

15. Okt 2012

A joint event by New INDIGO, INDIA GATE, EURAXESS Links India, EBTC, NGRI‐ CSIR

eu-india_logo.jpgThe third edition of  EU‐India Science Technology and Innovation Cooperation Days with thematic focus on water will be organised in Hyderabad, India from 8 to 9 November 2012, in order to showcase the good results of cooperation between Europe and India and to foster further STI cooperation.

It is a joint event organised by the following projects and initiatives:
New INDIGO, INDIA GATE, EURAXESS Links INDIA and EBTC in close cooperation with the National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI ‐CSIR). The thematic focus is water related research. Researchers working together in various types of projects (FP7,multilateral and bilateral)will be invited to present their achievements and reflect on their cooperation. They will have the chance to network together with industries in a brokerage event and get further information about funding possibilities from the EU, India or bilateral programs.

The EU‐India STI Cooperation Days are composed of the following elements:

‐ Scientific conference – presentation of joint projects in water related topics

‐ STI priorities – interventions by Policy makers and other stakeholder groups

‐ Poster session – young researchers invited to present their scientific posters

‐ Networking & brokerage event – in addition to the networking friendly setting of the conference, a targeted
brokerage event will be organised to assist future collaboration

‐ Awareness raising activities about funding opportunities offered by the EU, India, bilateral programmes and by industry

1st day: Conference and Networking Cafè
2nd day: Conference and networking event in parallel, technology transfer and Q&A session on funding

Please find the detailed programm in the attached document or visit the event site for more information:


Tags: European Research Area, research cooperation

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