8th CE-Ageing Platform newsletter issued
14. Jan 2013
The eight edition of the eNewsletter of the Central European Knowledge Platform for an Ageing Society (“CE-Ageing Platform”) has recently been published providing a compact overview about the outcomes of the 2nd CE-Ageing International Conference on Intergenerational Solidarity and Ageing and the Peer Review held in Slovenia on 5 – 6 November 2012. Additionally, a comprehensive report from the consortium meetings organised in Szekesfehervar, Hungary on 12 – 13 December 2012 and information about regional PR initiatives/meetings organised under the Polish pilot "Balance - Work - Life" and the Upper Austrian Network ‘Winning Age. Getting Future!’ were included. Finally, an in-depth look in the Hungarian pilot was offered in the article about recent developments in the pilot entitled „Knowledge transfer through cross-generation co-employment in SMEs in the Central Transdanubian region – mentoring programme”.
The CE-Ageing eNewsletter is published every 2 – 3 months and all issues are publicly accessible on the project website. You can subscribe here if you would like to receive the regular CE-Ageing newsletter with current information about the project and general information about ageing and demographic change.

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Tags: social change, social cohesion, social inclusion, social innovation