
The CE-Ageing Platform project included in the CENTRAL EUROPE Wall Calendar 2013

14. Jan 2013

Visualizing CE-Ageing!

The CENTRAL EUROPE Wall Calendar 2013 has been produced recently and distributed to high-level stakeholders on regional, national and European level.

The calendar includes top 12 photos submitted in the photo competition "Take a closer look at CENTRAL EUROPE“ organised by the Programme authority/Joint Technical Secretariat. This competition was open to all CENTRAL EUROPE projects from 1 December 2011 until 15 May 2012 and the best photos were selected via voting by Facebook users (like button).

The CE-Ageing Platform project took a part in the competition succesfully and is represented with the winning photo in March 2013:

Ageing citizens often face problems on the labour market due to a relative loss of knowledge and competitiveness in comparison to younger generations. With appropriate measures cities can do a lot to safeguard their employability at the local level though. The CE-Ageing Platform project helps to foster the knowledge development of ageing citizen and works on a joint regional strategy, which will adequately respond to the challenges of demographic changes. Find more information at”

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Tags: social change, social cohesion, social inclusion, social innovation

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