
Review on SEA-EU-NET's "Public Procurement for Innovation Workshop"

14. Jul 2014

Focus on framework conditions for innovation!

The SEA-EU-NET project has held an expert workshop on public procurement for innovation (PPI) on 25th of June at CNRS in Paris. The event was part of SEA-EU-NET’s analysis activities, which are led by ZSI. It will be followed up by a publication on framework conditions for innovation, which will also include chapters on intellectual property rights and material transfer agreements. The report will be published in autumn and is edited by workshop organizer Svend Remøe from the Research Council of Norway.

In Paris five high-level experts from Europe and Southeast Asia gathered to discuss PPI and its promotion as one of the most relevant demand-side innovation policy issues. The workshop offered conceptual clarifications (e.g. the differences and similarities to pre-commercial procurement), an overview of PPI practice and policy measures aiming to support PPI.
A video of the workshop will be available soon! All presentations are available on the SEA-EU-NET website:



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