Open for new ideas - Chancellor Merkel at 2nd International German Forum
21. Jan 2015
'The entire question of the capacity for innovation is not limited to technology, in the view of the Chancellor. Social and societal innovations are also important ...' This was one of the main conclusions of the 2nd International German Forum headed by the German Chancellor Angela Merkel in the Federal Chancellery Buidling in Berlin on 20 January 2015.
120 experts from all over the world were discussing in smaller working groups and in a plenary sessions with Chancellor Merkel several pertinent issues related to the overarching topic "What matters to people - innovation and society". ZSI was represented by its scientific director, Klaus Schuch.
The following topics were addressed during the Forum:
- How can technological and social innovations help resolve the tasks ahead and enhance the quality of life?
- How can we organise the interplay of politics, business, the academic community and civil society to facilitate holistic innovations and devise effective solutions?
- What opportunities does digital change offer to make societies more able to innovate?
- Which (political) options for action can we identify to enhance the capacity for innovation and thus enhance the quality of life?
Official information about the Forum can be found here. A critical review of the Forum was presented by SPIEGEL online.
Tags: social innovation