RRI Tools newsletter
2. Mär 2015
Here you will get to know the latest news on the RRI Tools project, interesting events related to responsible research and innovation, and how to join the RRI Toolkit community.
Also, take three minutes to watch the animated video on Responsible Research and Innovation the European Commission has recently launched to explain what RRI is!
Verwandte Artikel:
- News: Rückblick auf das 49. Treffen des ScienceCenter Netzwerks
- Veranstaltung: 49. Treffen des ScienceCenter Netzwerks: (Wie) Kann die Öffentlichkeit forschen?
- News: DER STANDARD: Werkzeugkiste für Paradigmenwechsel in der Forschung
- Veranstaltung: « RRI and SSH in ICT-related parts of H2020 – Getting started »
- News: RRI Tools: The transformative power of RRI under experimentation
- News: ZSI_Stimmen: RRI – auf dem Weg zu einem neuen europäischen Forschungsparadigma?
- News: What is responsibility in Research and Innovation?