
Newsletter on International Cooperation Activities published

8. Okt 2015

ZSI regularly informs about its INCO project results and actions

The INCO Projects Newsletter #7 has been published on October 8, 2015. If you wish to subscribe to the newsletter, please follow this link:

This quarterly newsletter informs stakeholders about international co-operation projects and events relevant to Austrian researchers, research institutions, and project managers. It is commissioned by the BMWFW and edited by the Centre of Social Innovation.

Content of INCO Projects Newsletter #7:
  1. Upcoming events from our projects (open for participation)
  2. Featured news: Positive developments in EU-Russia research cooperation
  3. News briefs (internal news and news from the international research & cooperation area)
  4. News section (information on current activities within our projects)
  5. Contact details & Social Media

To read the newsletter click here

It includes short news and news stories from the following projects:

  • EQUIP (EU-India Social Sciences & Humanities Platform)
  • ERA-Can+ (The European Research Area and Canada) 
  • INNO-INDIGO (European Research Area and India) and INDIGO-POLICY (Policy cooperation between EU and India in research and innovation)
  • SEA-EU-NET II project (EU-ASEAN S&T cooperation to jointly tackle societal challenges)
  • SUSTAIN EU ASEAN (Support to joint R&D activities in the field of sustainability research between the EU and the ASEAN)
  • ALCUE NET (Latin America, Carribean and EU network on research and innovation)
  • BLACK SEA HORIZON (S&T bi-regional cooperation EU - Black Sea Countries)
  • ERA-NET Rus Plus (ERA-NET with Russia)
  • (Research, Technology and Innovation in the Western Balkans)
  • IncoNet EaP (STI International Cooperation Network for Eastern Partnership Countries)
  • IncoNet CA (bi-regional STI policy dialogue between EU member states/accession countries and Central Asia)
  • Danube-INCO.NET (Cooperation in Research and Innovation in the Danube Region)
  • CAAST-Net Plus (Cooperation in science and technology between Europe and Africa)
  • BILAT RUS Advanced (Advancement of the bilateral partnership in scientific research and innovation with the Russian Federation)
  • MIRRIS (Mobilising Institutional Reforms in Research and Innovation Systems)
  • ENER2I (Energy Research to Innovation in Eastern Partnership countries)
  • as well as selected news from International Research & Cooperation projects in which ZSI is not a member

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