Second Danube-INCO.NET General Assembly held in Budapest
14. Dez 2015
The Danube-INCO.NET project partners gathered last week in Budapest to take stock of the situation, conduct creative dialogue and identify common problems.
The event tangled issues ranging from project coordination and financing, policy making concerning research and innovation in the Danube Region, cooperation among renewable energy players, creating R&I funding mechanisms and communicating about project’s activities and offered opportunities. The meeting provided an oppportunity to analyse the quality assurance procedures and to debate on the amendments to the agreement with the European Commission proposed to be handed in by the end of the year.
Overall the project activities have continued successfully also in the project´s second year: the project has managed to create impact on the region and make its work known to the public.
Significant outputs such as the study on co-publication and co-patents in the Danube Region (by ZSI), the database of exploitable project results, the mapping of key stakeholders and the study on cooperation barriers as well as first outcomes of the policy mix peer review were presented. The project’s cooperation with the European Commission (JRC etc.), the Danube Strategy Point and the EUSDR Priorities Areas 7 and 8 in particular have also been highlighted as well as the pilot activities to be funded in the energy and bio-economy sectors. Finally it was underlined how the project succeeded in making its work known to the public. The Danube-INCO.NET portal, that is also run by ZSI, is being visited by around 5500 unique visitors per month, the project newsletter can boast more than13.000 recipients and communication is fruitfully carried out also through social media such as Facebook, LinkedIN and Twitter as well.
As Danube-INCO.NET is entering its third and last year of activity, the second General Assembly was organised to also debate on those next steps that are necessary to guarantee the sustainability of the project significant outputs. In this regard, partners were invited to make own work further known to European and National institutions as reaching out to politicians needs to be an important goal of Danube-INCO.NET, apart from S&T cooperation. The partners discussed on the possible continuation of activities based on topics and instruments for future collaboration as well as on synergies with EUSDR Priority Areas and other projects. Several events as well as important deliverables are to be carried out in 2016 and shall serve the scope as well.
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