
INDIGO funding programme supports successfully Indo-Europen research projects

15. Jan 2016

ZSI concluded an evaluation of the first four calls of INDIGO Partnership Programme

The INDIGO funding programme, officially referred to as the New INDIGO Partnership Programme (NPP) until 2014 and the INNO INDIGO Partnership Programme (IPP) since 2014, supports Indo-European multilateral research and networking projects. Until January 2016, INDIGO Partnership Programme has launched 6 multilateral calls for proposals, which have evolved from simple networking and mobility funding towards the funding of research projects open for small and medium-sized enterprises (SME).

The first four calls funded together 35 Indo-European projects with the funding volume of €11,025,998. Funders from 13 European countries have come together to provide funding for cutting-edge research projects. 

Indeed, the evaluation showed that the funding programme has played a crucial role in enabling joint research projects between European and Indian scientists. The projects also opened doors for further Indo-European collaboration activities.
“I have met people who I would never have been able to meet and who I now have in mind for future possible collaborations. I have also had some Indian scientists contacting me afterwards who were interested in collaborating.”
 NPP1, Project Coordinator, Europe

To improve the call proceedings, INNO INDIGIO funding programme continues to work on finding new ways to supporting scientists in finding suitable partners and funded projects to gain visibility, and optimising synchronised release of funding.
Stay informed in the upcoming INNO INDIGO Partnership Programme calls at

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