Final EULAC-Focus meeting in Santiago de Chile
10. Dez 2018
The final meeting of the project EULAC Focus - Giving focus to the cultural, scientific and social dimension of EU – CELAC relations took place in Santiago de Chile from 4.-6. December 2018. The meeting brought together consortium members and external experts from Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe. The experts reviewed and gave further input on the results of the research activities carried out in the three thematic work packages dealing with cultural, social and scientific aspects of bi-regional relations.
To make a substantial contribution to those relations in the future, EULAC focus is building possible scenarios based on the research insights. In a fruitful discussion the scenarios developed were discussed and refined by the members of the consortium and the external experts and then jointly translated into action plans that aim to shape future relations.
A tour of the CEPAL (Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean) headquarters allowed the participants to acquire a deeper understanding of the historical development of the institution and its importance for the scientific and the political debate in Latin America and the Caribbean. One of the current challenges that both regions currently face, the treatment of migrant workers, was discussed in the public event hosted by CEPAL in cooperation with EULAC-Focus.

Verwandte Artikel:
- Publikation: Research Trajectories on Social Issues in the EU, (CE)LAC and beyond. How the social dimension of the EU and (CE)LAC frame EU-(CE)LAC social relations
- Projekt: Giving focus to the cultural, scientific and social dimension of EU-CELAC relations
- News: What will shape the future relations between the EU and CELAC?
- News: Video: SDGs in EU-LAC relations
Tags: foresight, Latin America, social change