EU, Latin America and the Caribbean – bringing regions together
27. Jan 2020
After three and a half years of intense work, the EULAC-Focus project finally came to an end last week in Brussels, as representatives of the project met with the project officer as well as external evaluators to discuss the final outputs of the project. After the positive feedback that the project received at the Final Dissemination conference at the end of 2019 (for more info see:, the last evaluation meeting was used to discuss and present the most important reports of the EULAC-Focus project and their implication for policy and research.
ZSI was leading the tasks on the social dimension of EU-LAC relations and co-produced reports about the current social realities in both regions (Research trajectories), an assessment of ongoing cooperation progammes such as EUROsociAL (Common interest in cooperation) as well as an analysis of policy instruments in place tackling social issues in both regions (Differneces and convergences). Finally, a Synthesis report was delivered that brought together main conclusions and recommendations for strengthening the social dimension of EU-LAC relations (Synthesis report). f you are more interest in the state-of-the-art of bi-regional relations regarding academic cooperaiton, make sure to check out our report on Mobility and bi-regional cooperaton.
In order to secure the sustainability of the project, EULAC-Focus will transform itself into a permanent network that works towards connecting researchers and policy makers from both regions. If you want to stay up-to-date on latest developments and want to get an overview on the project results as well as insights into the cultural and scientific dimension of EU-LAC relations, please visit our website or check out one of our many videos on our YouTube channel.
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Tags: Latin America, research and innovation policy, research cooperation, social inclusion