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4. Aug 2021
Das ZSI untersucht in dem H2020 Projekt "PRO-Ehtics", wie es aus ethischer Perspektive gut gelingen kann, neue Akteure an Forschungsprozessen teilhaben zu lassen. Cornelia Grobner von "Die Presse" hat bei Dorothea Sturn nachgefragt. Hier können Sie den Artikel online lesen.
Foto: Barbara Glinser
INCO project news
Wrapping Up: S4D4C Final Networking Meeting a few days later
Launching of a EU Science Diplomacy Alliance
S4D4C Final Networking Meeting: Successfully implemented!
S4D4C final meeting: What happened on Friday, 19 March?
S4D4C final meeting: What happened on Thursday, 18 March?
S4D4C final meeting: What happened on Wednesday, 17 March?
S4D4C final meeting: What happened on Tuesday, 16 March?
S4D4C final meeting: What happened on Monday, 15 March?
European Science Diplomacy Online Course updated
Kick-off of the R&I partnership between Europe and Africa on renewable energy
Successful start (and end): S4D4C virtual networking conference
Szenario für NZZ PRO Global: So wird die EU zu einem digitalen Binnenmarkt
TRESCA policy brief draft discussed at Science I Business event
ETHNA project: Towards more responsible research & innovation #RRI