
Minister Polaschek presents study of ZSI and WWTF

9. Jun 2022

The Austrian Minister for Education, Science and Research talks on "re-charging Austro-American relations"

Today, Minister Polaschek, talked at the conference  “Recharging Austro-American Relations” organised by the Diplomatische Akademie Wien and BIAAS. During his speech he also presented findings from the study "Tacking stock of the cooperation and networking of Austrian and North American researchers, R&I stakeholders and R&I institutions" (in German) which can be accessed via the repository of the Austrian Platform for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation. The study was implemented by experts from ZSI and WWTF Ltd. on behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research.

“Recharging Austro-American Relations” asks scholars, together with commercial, cultural, and political leaders to open a discussion whose subject is the profound long-term relationship between Austria and the United States. Organised around four panels and two round tables, with topics ranging from restitution, economic history, culture, and high technology to Habsburg historiography and an assessment of the current predicament, the conference is both an ambitious, two-day review of Austro-American legacies, and a rare opportunity to considerglobally-situated Austria and the United States in a bilateral context. “Recharging Austro-American Relations” is devoted to revisiting and learning from the past; it is an occasion to highlight new research; and it is an invitation to discuss what should come next.

This event is also streamed live on


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