Winner of the PRO-Ethics Open Call
3. Nov 2022
We are happy to announce Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft – Open Innovation in Science Center (LBG OIS) as the winner of our PRO-Ethics Open Call on Participatory Elements in Research and Innovation. LBG OIS will implement the project “Inclusion Health” to heighten their ability to engage highly disadvantaged social groups. To this end, LBG OIS will facilitate the development of fundable research projects that involve people with lived experience of homelessness and housing precarity. This group is among those with the worst health outcomes in society – at an exorbitant personal, social and financial cost – but also among those most difficult to reach with conventional PPIE (public and patient involvement and engagement) methods.
The project will run from November 2022 through August 2023.
The decision to fund the project was undertaken by a jury of four experts, who also formulated recommendations for the implementation of the project. The jury consisted of:
• Alex Glennie, Nesta
• Sabine Mayer, FFG
• Ingeborg Meijer, CWTS Leiden
• Dorothea Sturn, ZSI
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