Kick-off of the new INHERIT project, new technologies to boost cultural heritage
7. Nov 2023
The new INHERIT project (Horizon Europe) was launched on 2-3 November 2023 in Athens, aimed at promoting energy and resource efficiency, sustainability, and inclusiveness of historic buildings. The project gathers 18 partners led by the Greek software integrator Singular Logic. For the next 42 months the team seeks to valorise Europe’s cultural heritage, facing challenges related to energy, resources and circularity, as well as on climate resilience and accessibility of historic buildings.
(INHERIT project partners in the Kick-Off meeting held in Athens, Greece on November 2nd and 3rd, 2023)
The goal of INHERIT is to develop the next generation solutions for sustainable and resource-efficient buildings in need of differentiated renovation strategies. The team will create a systematic methodology, accompanied by leading-edge information and communication technologies (ICTs), such as the internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI) and big data analytics. It will also use associated social/behavioural practices, towards sustainable, inclusive and resource-efficient solutions.
INHERIT will enable socially innovative and economically viable interventions at different urban levels, not only focussing on buildings, but also on neighbourhoods and cities. All relevant aspects of the heritage-built environment’s life cycle will be covered: starting from design and renovation to management and monitoring, as well as preservation and maintenance. The solutions will be tested in 8 cultural heritage sites across EU.
“Our cultural heritage represents our cultural identity, and therefore it should be protected and passed from one generation to the other,” said Stamatia Rizou, INHERIT Project Coordinator from SLG. “We are proud to launch INHERIT initiative, an ambitious project that aims to shape sustainable pathways for cultural heritage-built environment through social, scientific and technological innovations in line with the New European Bauhaus principles.”
Within the project a capacity building programme will be created too, addressing heritage operators and stakeholders (large companies, SMEs, public authorities, research organisations and citizens) to support sustainable cultural heritage.
ZSI will have its contribution mainly in the strategy for an active engagement of a wide range of stakeholders linked to the preservation of cultural heritage (CH), the tailor-made capacity building and the co-creation of strategies and implementation concepts for sustainable cultural strategies, respecting the value and particularities of CH. In this context, ZSI adapts the social lab methodology for the INHERIT project using a set of agile qualitative methods and approaches from social sciences and humanities as well as from the practice-led cultural management for pilot activities.
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Tags: climate resiliance, cultural heritage, energy efficiency, inclusiveness, social innovation, sustainability