
PHOTORAMA wins the European Sustainable Energy Week Innovation Award!

15. Jun 2024

The Horizon 2020 project PHOTORAMA has won the 2024 edition of the European Sustainable Energy Week's Innovation Award.

PHOTORAMA wins the European Sustainable Energy Week Innovation Award!

The Horizon 2020 project PHOTORAMA has won the 2024 edition of the European Sustainable Energy Week's Innovation Award.

The European Sustainable Energy Week Innovation Award (EUSEW Awards) recognises outstanding individuals and projects for their innovation and efforts in the field of energy efficiency and renewables. PHOTORAMA has been elected by experts and the public for its advancement in Photovoltaic panels (PV) circularity.

PHOTORAMA (PHOtovoltaic waste management – advanced Technologies for recOvery & recycling of secondary RAw MAterials from end-of-life modules) develops revolutionary technologies for PV recycling, setting the stage for a sustainable future, developing a circular economy model and a sustainable market for secondary Raw Materials (RM) in Europe.  

This prize was awarded only a few days after the team reunited at month 36 of the project in Catania, Sicily. Hosted by Enel Green Power, the team discussed the achievements of the project and the next steps to ensure the set up of an operational pilot line able to process 100 tons of PV waste, recovering key valuable materials such as silver and gallium.

It was also the occasion for the ZSI team to report on the awareness activities that took place during the last months, among which our participation at the Long Night of Research at RhP's laboratories and the school visits that took place at different partners' facilities.

It was also the occasion to visit the 3SUN giga factory, the largest PV factory in Europe, and a key element of the PV value chain.

For more information on PHOTORAMA, visit the project website or connect on LinkedIn.



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Tags: circular economy, energy transition, solar energy

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