Review: Thinking out-of-the-box with the INHERIT Multi-Stakeholder Forum
28. Okt 2024
INHERIT is an international project that addresses the challenges concerning the preservation, restoration, and management of cultural heritage buildings. It aims to foster their environmental and social sustainability while preserving their cultural heritage value. The so called INHERIT Multi-Stakeholder Forum is a temporary hub for mutual learning in a transdisciplinary network focused on cultural heritage buildings, retrofit, green technologies taking advantage of the New European Bauhaus (NEB).
In the end of October, the forum attracted five high profile speakers and around 70 participants attending the online kick-off. The event was hosted by the INHERIT project consortium partners Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI) and the Local Governments for Sustainability Europe (ICLEI Europe) and was addressed to researchers and practitioners, equally. Major topic was the role of the NEB in the management of cultural heritage buildings for sustainable change. It showed good practices and approaches from research to implementation with a focus on cultural heritage buildings. Pamela Bartar (ZSI), co-host of the event, summarised the pre-text of the agenda: “NEB’s holistic approach aligns well with these management practices, ensuring that cultural heritage is preserved not just as static monuments but as living parts of our communities and environments.”
The event featured distinguished speakers providing multi- perspectives including Barna Petrányi (Pro Progressione, Hungary), Marko Zlonoga (REGEA, Croatia) who leads one INHERIT pilot project based social lab, Christina Schraml and Martin Färber (University of Applied Arts Vienna, Austria), Reka Matheidesz (Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Hungary), and Jürgen Kropp (Bauhaus Earth Lab, Germany). Their contributions provided insights into the intersection of NEB values such as beauty, sustainability, togetherness and the climate fit management of cultural heritage buildings.
One of the event's outcomes was the active engagement of participants, who submitted over 40 questions related to the NEB and cultural heritage. These questions will be addressed by the INHERIT expert pool. Cross-disciplinary responses will be presented in a Q&A section on the INHERIT website. To support this transdisciplinary knowledge transfer, the ZSI provides the INHERIT Infodesk resulting in the intelligence of multi-stakeholders working in similar projects and exploiting the results from the INHERIT project. Aligned with the NEB values, the forum encourages cross-sectoral collaboration to foster sustainable and resilient cultural heritage management practices. It embraces technological and social innovations, integrating green-smart solutions and socially inclusive practices to ensure the sustainable future of cultural heritage buildings across Europe.
The forum hosts events on an annual basis (2024-2027); to learn about upcoming events and to gain access to materials or to suggest questions please consider becoming a member of the forum, which is a free service and without obligations. The INHERIT consortium encourages also early career CH managers or researchers and innovators of the social or creative sector to take part in this transdisciplinary forum.
Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI) – Ms. Pamela Bartar & Mr. Philipp Brugner
For more information and to engage with the INHERIT Multi-Stakeholder Forum, please contact:
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