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EURAXESS Links ASEAN-Interview mit Alexander Degelsegger zur Forschungs-Kooperation zwischen Europa und Südostasien.

Der EURAXESS Links ASEAN e-Newsletter berichtet monatlich über die Forschungslandschaft in der ASEAN-Region und bietet aktuelle Informationen für ForscherInnen aus Europa und Südostasien. Mit einem Schwerpunkt...

Offener Brief an Bundesminister Dr. Mitterlehner zur Fortführung von soQua

  Sehr geehrter Herr Minister! Mit dem soQua Programm zur sozialwissenschaftlichen Berufsqualifizierung unterstützt das BMWFW seit nunmehr zehn Jahren die wissenschaftliche Nachwuchsförderung...

August Gächter (ZSI) live im Talk im Hangar- 7
Flüchtlinge in Europa: Tun wir genug?

August Gächter (Migrations- und Integrationsexperte am ZSI) hat in einer von Helmut Brandstätter moderierten Diskussion im "Talk im Hangar-7" mit Kilian Kleinschmidt, ehem. Leiter des zweitgrößten Flüchtlingslagers...

Conference: Future directions for digital literacy for senior women.
LIST Conference: A New Age for Learning

We would like to invite you to the upcoming conference, A New Age for Learning: Future directions for digital literacy for senior women.  The conference is focussed on influencing European policy...

After an intense two week Facebook voting, we proudly present five semi-finalists

10 amazing young scientists from India and Europe submitted their existing projects and project ideas with the focus on "Water for Health"? in the form of short videos to Young Scientist Competition 2015...

31. Aug 2015
Bioeconomy in Austria
Results of the consultation process presented in Alpbach

During the crowded and very well-received breakout session on Bioeconomy at the Technology Talks in Alpbach end of last week, the rector of the Unviversity of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Professor...

The Information platform "" is part of the conclusions of the Summit

One  year  after  the  Berlin  Western  Balkans  Summit,  the  heads  of  government, foreign ministers and economics ministers of Albania, Bosnia...

Horizon 2020: Capturing the public’s view of nanotechnology
Some editorial thoughts on the project NanOpinion -- based on an interview with ZSI expert Katharina Handler.

Please find the complete article on Nanotechnology has become part of daily life – be it in stain-repellent fabrics, sunscreens or hundreds of other applications. But what do people...

The ener2i project organises a Workshop on Energy and Innovation and a Brokerage Event in Armenia on 2 October 2015.

Both, the Workshop on Energy and Innovation and the Brokerage Event on 2 October 2015, are intended for stakeholders, researchers and companies from Armenia, EU countries and countries associated to the...

The Facebook voting phase is now open until the 2nd of September 2015! VOTE NOW!

Want to be inspired? or better still, do you want to be a part of the change? 9 amazing young scientists have entered the INDIGO Projects' Young Scientist Competition of the Year 2015. Get to know ...

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