News Filter
5. Jun 2012

Am Zentrum für soziale Innovation (ZSI) ist die Stelle eines/einer 1st-Level-Supporters/Supporterin zu besetzen. Stundenausmaß: 20 Wochenstunden Arbeitszeit: Nach Vereinbarung Das ZSI ist...

Energy Action Planning made easy!

Are you starting up with your municipal Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP)? At the Covenant capaCITY Conference experts will lead you through the process - sharing useful guidance, great ideas and...

EU-wide database recently launched

Due to the current demographic make-up, the number of social network platforms for adults aged 50plus has risen significantly. However, the European market for such platforms seems to be quite fragmented...

Go-myLife research findings of value for end-user organisations

The research findings of the Go-myLife project presented on the IFA 11th Global Conference on Ageing  found high recognition and the audience confirmed their high relevance to address current ...

22. Mai 2012
FORSEE Newsletter #2
Update on FORSEE project activities and results of the 2nd project meeting!

Enjoy the 2nd FORSEE Newsletter with more information on the current status of the FORSEE project activities, the results of the 2nd project meeting in Thessaloniki and upcoming events in the field. ...

SOQUA Summer School 2012
Learn about and from social innovation

Based on the huge success of last year’s international conference “Challenge Social Innovation”, the Summer School “Social Innovation in Europe and Beyond - The concept...

21. Mai 2012
LehrerInnen gesucht !
Projekt GLOBAL excursion erweitert sein Team

Im Rahmen des Projekts GLOBAL excursion werden derzeit engagierte, kreative LehrerInnen gesucht, die Interesse haben, naturwissenschafltichen Unterricht einmal anders zu gestalten. Im Zentrum stehen vor...

Networking of international scholars and practitioners of social innovation

SOQUA Summer School 2012: Social Innovation in Europe and Beyond. The concept, its potential, and international trends Vienna, July 9 – 13, 2012   Registration open at: http...

The CE-Ageing Platform indicated as a flagship project of the EU Danube Region Strategy/Priority Area 9 “To Invest in People and Skills“
CE-Ageing Platform

The project “Central European Knowledge Platform for an Ageing Society (CE-Ageing Platform)“ has been chosen to be labeled as a project belonging to and supporting the EU Strategy for the Danube Region...

SozialMarie - Preis für soziale Innovation 2012 vergeben
17 sozial innovative Projekte aus Österreich, Ungarn und Tschechien ausgezeichnet

Wie bereits seit 2005 fand auch 2012 am 1. Mai, begleitet von großem Publikums- und Medieninteresse, die SozialMarie-Preisverleihung im RadioKulturhaus des ORF in Wien statt. Erstmals wurde heuer im Fernsehen...

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