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Today’s industrial product creation is expensive, risky and unsustainable. But it doesn’t have to be.

Presently, SMEs and maker communities across Europe are coming together to fundamentally change the way we create, produce, and distribute products. We’re establishing new collaborations between companies...

Kind invitation to join our final event in Budapest and in hybrid format!

The project Finance4SocialChange ends with December 2021. In view of the achievements and its prolongation to run 40 months that enabled a more sustained and durable approach of the partnership, also ...

Social Innovation and the circular economy
ZSI organises a webinar on social innovation, circular economy and the urban-rural divide on Thursday, 21.10.2012, 3pm.

In its efforts of reaching out to rural change-makers in Central Europe the CERUSI Partnership set up a series of three webinars (online courses) dedicated to the topic of the “Borders of Rural Social...

Rückblick: DIRECT HUBS Impact Café in Wien
Zur Veranstaltung mit Thema kreislauffähige Lebensmittelsysteme im urbanen Raum steht nun eine Dokumentation bereit!

Das DIRECT HUB Impact Café fand am 20. September 2021 im Wiener Impact Hub statt, viele Kreislaufwirtschaftsexpert*Innen und Praktiker*innen folgten der Einladung des Projektkoordinators alchemia-novas...

Einbindung von Bürger*innen und Patient*innen in Forschung
Vortrag und Podiumsdiskussion

VHS Urania Impulsvortrag und Podiumsdiskussion Welche Chancen und Herausforderungen bringt die aktive Einbindung von Bürger*innen und Patient*innen in Forschung? Welche Möglichkeiten der Mitgestaltung...

Supporting (second-chance) entrepreneurs
How to support entrepreneurs in practice? Insights from the Interreg project DanubeChance2.0

The main purpose of the workshop is to present the results of the mentoring program, to identify and discuss best practices in supporting entrepreneurs in challenging times and exchange experiences with...

ZSI co-hosts an online workshop at the EU Week of Regions

The European Week of Regions and Cities (#EURegionsWeek) is the biggest annual Brussels-based event dedicated to cohesion policy. At this year’s edition, held mostly online, ZSI will co-organise a workshop...

K. Schuch im Beirat
Beiräte der FTI-Task Force Arbeitsgruppe „EU-Missionen“ seitens BMK und BMBWF nominiert

Die österreichische Bundesregierung setzte im Rahmen ihres Arbeitsprogramms, der FTI-Strategie 2030 sowie des FTI-Pakts 2021-2023 politische Signale für eine verstärkte Missionsorientierung in der österreichischen...

Towards a consolidated Local Policy Action Plan for Social Impact Investment

F4SC organises a Local Policy Focus Group Workshop (LPFG) that will provide a short overview on the status quo of the project and will introduce to a recent OECD project. ASHOKA participates as a partner...

Data gathered via interviews, workshops and an online survey will support the implementation of Living Lab processes

With the aim of refining and finetuning the first version of the ETHNA System concept, the ETHNA partnership conducted a series of semi-structured interviews and organized interactive and participatory...

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