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ResInfra@DR project featured by the Austrian Press Agency
Facilitating macro-regional scope and link up to socio-economic actors of Research Infrastructure in the Danube Region

APA Science interviewed ResInfra@DR project coordinator Martin Felix Gajdusek (ZSI) featuring the problem background and achievments of the projects in supporting the dialogue of main research infrastructure...

The event was organised in the political context of the Danube region

The Made in Danube project was launched in 2017 with the aspiring aim of providing long-term support for knowledge, innovation and technology transfer in the Danube Region. It received funding from the...

International cooperation for tackling global biosphere and social challenges
PSF mutual learning exercise on "National Strategies and Roadmaps for International Cooperation in R&I" met in Paris

Participants of the PSF mutual learning exercise on "National Strategies and Roadmaps for International Cooperation in R&I" agreed that embedding of international R&I strategies in national and...

Press review: ResInfra@DR Know-how exchange forum, 22-23 May 2019, Bratislava
More than 30 research infrastructure experts from the Danube region contributed to this event!

Bratislava, Vienna – RESINFRA@DR Know-how exchange forum focused on Research Infrastructures (RI) mutual support activities in the Danube Macro-region hosted by RESINFRA@DR, took place on 22-23 May 2019...

SENSES Pitching in Austria
Eight Austrian social entrepreneurs presented their social enterprise, mission and aims

SENSES Pitching in Austria On March 1st 2019 the pitching event took place in the frame of the SENSES knowledge transfer and networking event. Eight Austrian social entrepreneurs took the opportunity...

31. Mai 2019
ESSI PhD-Workshop 2019
ESSI PhD-Workshop 2019
European School of Social Innovation invites PhDs

PhD students are cordially invivted to the PhD Workshop taking place one day before the ESSI 2019 conference. The PhD Workshop is designed to give PhD students the opportunity to: Receive feedback...

Slow progress in Kosovo, but progress
NCP system for H2020 supported by HERAS project in place, says European Commission

The European Commission's progress report on Kosovo* 2019 mentions as a positive not, the improvement of the NCP system for H2020 which is directly linked with the HERAS project, supported by the...

Registrieren Sie sich für die Abschlussveranstaltung im DTP Projekt Excellence-in-ReSTI

Das Zentrum für Soziale Innovation lädt Sie, im Namen des gesamten Projektkonsortiums, herzlich zur Abschlussveranstaltung des Projektes ´Excellence-in-ReSTI´ und zur Verleihung der Zertifikate der ReSTI...

Register Now! Resinfra@DR final event
Synergy Meeting "Perspectives for Research Infrastructures in the Danube Macro-region" on 12-13/06 in Vienna

The Synergy Meeting "Perspectives for Research Infrastructures in the Danube Macro-region" hosted by ResInfra@DR project will take place from 12-13 June in Vienna, Austria. The deadline for registration...

Veranstaltung: Soziale Innovation in der Regionalentwicklung
Wie wichtig sind sozial innovative Projekte, soziale Ziele und neue Formen der Zusammenarbeit für Regionalentwicklung

Einladung zur Veranstaltung Soziale Innovation in der Regionalentwicklung – Akteure, Chancen und Herausforderungen Wie wichtig sind sozial innovative Projekte, soziale Ziele und neue Formen der ...

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