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Die ersten Preisträger des neuen Josef-Hochgerner Stipendiums wurden ausgewählt!
Am 7. April wurde Alfons Bauernfeind und Maria Angerer das Josef-Hochgerner Stipendium 2016 verliehen.

Anläßlich der 25-Jahr-Feier des Zentrums für Soziale Innovation am 18. November 2015 im Wiener Rathaus wurde das Josef-Hochgerner Stipendium, benannt nach dem Gründer und langjährigen wissenschaftlichen...

Giving Focus to the Cultural, Scientific and Social dimension of EU-LAC relations

On April 4-5 the H2020 project EULAC Focus celebrated its kick-off event at the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI) in Madrid. EULAC Focus is a research project which stands for giving focus to...

EU-Brazil cooperation : INCOBRA project has started
Increasing collaboration between Europe and Brazil – INCOBRA

ZSI is a partner of the EU funded project INCOBRA and recently participated in a kick-off meeting in Oporto, Portugal. The overall objective of INCOBRA is to focus on, increase, and enhance Research...

Learn more on the relevance of social innovations - project information of SI-Drive

SI-Drive has issued the ninth edition of the eNewsletter. You will find the eNewsletter here. SI-Drive is a large-scale research project funded in the European Union’s 7th Framework Programme. One ...

Could validation of competences of educationally disadvantaged adults motivate them to (re)engage with learning?

The project assumes that there is a mix of different strategies needed to open up education opportunities for educationally disadvantaged people. In our first strategy we trained people from...

MEDIENECHO 24. Mär 2016
I find my way by learning Deutsch
I find my way by learning Deutsch
Interview mit Hamdi al-Saffouri, Teilnehmer im ZSI-Projekt "Science in Asylum" im

Zwei Herausforderungen machten den syrischen Bäuerinnen und Bauern vor dem Krieg zu schaffen: die Trockenheit und die Versalzung, durch die in den letzten Jahrzehnten rund ein Drittel des Bodens als Anbaufläche...

[Black Sea Horizon Event Review] “The Future of Agriculture
ZSI coordinated Black Sea Horizon project successfully organised Workshop in Moscow

On March 3, 2016, National Research University - Higher School of Economics (HSE) hosted international workshop “The Future of Agriculture: Global Challenges and Technological Change”. The workshop was...

INNO INDIGO preannounces two EU-India calls: Joint S&T Call "Biobased energy" and Innovation Call on Bioeconomy

Indo-European Science and Technology Joint Call for proposals on Biobased energy Within the framework of the INDIGO Partnership Programme an EU-India S&T joint call for proposals on « Biobased... to support integration of WBC into ERA for the next 3 years
Information Platform on Research Technology and Innovation for WBC supports dialogue on RTI issues

The information platform (, acting as a source of high quality targeted information on research, technology and innovation in/with/for the Western Balkan countries (WBCs...

Application deadline: 21st of April 2016

Energy Efficiency. International Project Management - from Theory to Practice From the generation of the first project ideas to the successful implementation of projects in intercultural and multidisciplinary...

Empowering the EU-CELAC Common Research Area

Unter dem Titel "Empowering the EU-CELAC Common Research Area" fand am 14. März das jährliche Treffen von Wissenschaftsdelegierten aller Länder der EU und der Gemeinschaft der lateinamerikanischen Staaten...

Das EU-Projekt PLOTINA startete im Februar 2016

Die Implementierung von Gender Equality Plans ist das Ziel des Projekts „PLOTINA: Promoting Gender Balance and Inclusion in Research, Innovation and Training“ das soeben gestartet hat. Das Zentrum für...

SEA-EU-NET II organises the 3rd edition of ASEAN-EU STI Days. ZSI is responsible for innovation & scientometrics session

Registration is open for the ASEAN-EU STI Days 2016 from May 10-12 in Hanoi, Vietnam! The ASEAN-EU Science, Technology and Innovation Days are a forum style event, initiated by the European Commission...

Learn more about Science and Innovation in Ukraine
"Science and Innovation" - journal of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

A new release of the journal "Science and Innovation" ( ) and the English version ( has been published. The journal also welcomes...

Besuch der Max F. Perutz Laboratories (MFPL)

Im Rahmen des „Science in Asylum“ Projektes des ZSI wurde einem Großteil der TeilnehmerInnen ermöglicht, sich einen Nachmittag lang mit Vertretern der MFPL im Vienna Biocenter auszutauschen, darunter ...

New round of EU-South Africa STI Collaboration has started!
Kick off Meeting for ESASTAP 2020

The kick-off meeting of the ESASTAP 2020 project took place on the 25th and 26th of February 2016, at Cape Town in South Africa. The meeting effectively launched the activities of the latest incarnation...

Wie verstehen sich Citizen Science und Open Science?

Citizen Science ist Wissenschaft mit Beteiligung der Bürger_innen. Open Science bedeutet, dass die verschiedenen Daten und Ergebnisse allen offen und frei zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Doch was passiert...

In Focus of WBC-RTI.INFO: Towards Evaluation Culture in Western Balkans Newsletter - February 2016 just published

Evaluations are considered as most essential tools for evidence-based decision making and especially true for regions characterized by an adoption and adaptation of new R&I policies, programs and (...

ZSI hosted the kick-off meeting for the 3-year long project

On February 25-26 the project consortium of "RI-LINKS2UA - Strengthening Research and Innovation Links towards Ukraine" met in Palais Ferstel (Vienna) to conduct the project kick-off meeting. This event...

Mit dem Kick-off Meeting fiel der Startschuss für das vom ZSI koordinierte Projekt

Von 25-26. Februar waren alle Projektpartner von "RI-LINKS2UA - Strengthening Research and Innovation Links towards Ukraine" zum Kick-Off Meeting ins Palais Ferstel in Wien geladen, um den Beginn dieses...

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