News Filter
International cooperation for tackling global biosphere and social challenges
PSF mutual learning exercise on "National Strategies and Roadmaps for International Cooperation in R&I" met in Paris

Participants of the PSF mutual learning exercise on "National Strategies and Roadmaps for International Cooperation in R&I" agreed that embedding of international R&I strategies in national and...

Press review: ResInfra@DR Know-how exchange forum, 22-23 May 2019, Bratislava
More than 30 research infrastructure experts from the Danube region contributed to this event!

Bratislava, Vienna – RESINFRA@DR Know-how exchange forum focused on Research Infrastructures (RI) mutual support activities in the Danube Macro-region hosted by RESINFRA@DR, took place on 22-23 May 2019...

SENSES Pitching in Austria
Eight Austrian social entrepreneurs presented their social enterprise, mission and aims

SENSES Pitching in Austria On March 1st 2019 the pitching event took place in the frame of the SENSES knowledge transfer and networking event. Eight Austrian social entrepreneurs took the opportunity...

31. Mai 2019
ESSI PhD-Workshop 2019
ESSI PhD-Workshop 2019
European School of Social Innovation invites PhDs

PhD students are cordially invivted to the PhD Workshop taking place one day before the ESSI 2019 conference. The PhD Workshop is designed to give PhD students the opportunity to: Receive feedback...

Slow progress in Kosovo, but progress
NCP system for H2020 supported by HERAS project in place, says European Commission

The European Commission's progress report on Kosovo* 2019 mentions as a positive not, the improvement of the NCP system for H2020 which is directly linked with the HERAS project, supported by the...

Registrieren Sie sich für die Abschlussveranstaltung im DTP Projekt Excellence-in-ReSTI

Das Zentrum für Soziale Innovation lädt Sie, im Namen des gesamten Projektkonsortiums, herzlich zur Abschlussveranstaltung des Projektes ´Excellence-in-ReSTI´ und zur Verleihung der Zertifikate der ReSTI...

Register Now! Resinfra@DR final event
Synergy Meeting "Perspectives for Research Infrastructures in the Danube Macro-region" on 12-13/06 in Vienna

The Synergy Meeting "Perspectives for Research Infrastructures in the Danube Macro-region" hosted by ResInfra@DR project will take place from 12-13 June in Vienna, Austria. The deadline for registration...

Veranstaltung: Soziale Innovation in der Regionalentwicklung
Wie wichtig sind sozial innovative Projekte, soziale Ziele und neue Formen der Zusammenarbeit für Regionalentwicklung

Einladung zur Veranstaltung Soziale Innovation in der Regionalentwicklung – Akteure, Chancen und Herausforderungen Wie wichtig sind sozial innovative Projekte, soziale Ziele und neue Formen der ...

Learning about the European Social Progress Index (EU-SPI)
First virtual event for regional stakeholders

The first Virtual Event focusing on "How is the EU-SPI constructed? What is the methodology behind it?" is going to take place on the 4th of June 2019. In the frame of the EU SPI Pilot project, the...

Check out the new Citizen Science platform
Citizen Science in Europe

The EU-funded project EU-Citizen.Science has launched its website: In the future this will be the place for sharing, initating and learning Citizen Science in Europe...

EaP PLUS was part of the All-Ukrainian Festival of Innovation
As part of the All-Ukrainian Festival of Innovation, EaP PLUS organised an info day about Horizon 2020

The All-Ukrainian Festival of Innovation took place on May 16 at the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce. It was opened by the Prime Minister of Ukraine, Mr. Volodymyr Groysman, who emphasised the "existing...

Was bedeutet Digitalisierung für Soziales Unternehmertum, Arbeit und Inklusion?

Gemeinsam mit arbeit plus möchten wir vom Zentrum für Soziale Innovation - ZSI euch herzlich zur halbtägigen Veranstaltung "Digitale Transformation durch digitale Inklusion" einladen! Digitalisierung...

15. Mai 2019
What are careables?
careables- open DIY healthcare solutions presented

we will be preseting careables during the upcoming Communities and Technologies 2019 Conference, which is taking place in Vienna, 3.-7. June 2019.  The event aims to stimulate scholarly debate...

STI Cooperation with Eastern Partnership Countries
Results from the Cooperation Barometer implemented in the EaP PLUS Project

A short video informs about the development of STI cooperation between Eastern Partnership Countries and the EU. You can watch it here!

Final networking event to support a social enterprise network an cooperation with traditional enterprises

On the 9th of May 2019 ZSI organised the 4th Austrian SENSES Stakeholder Meeting. It gave social entrepreneurs and representatives of traditional enterprises, CSR and supporting organisations the possibility...

Social sciences and Humanities in mission-oriented reseach
Guidelines available!

SSH-Guidelines for mission-oriented research & SSHintegration now available as old-fashioned print version If you want copies (it's a really nice folder), you can download them here.

Die Östliche Partnerschaft der EU braucht einen neuen Ansatz
Zum Europatag kommentiert Philipp Brugner im STANDARD das 10-Jahre-Jubiläum der Östlichen Partnerschaft der EU

Seit zehn Jahren gibt es die "Östliche Partnerschaft" der Europäischen Union, die zu einer vertieften Kooperation mit den Ländern in ihrer östlichen Nachbarschaft führen soll. Am 14. Mai lädt EU-Kommissionspräsident...

Vom 24. bis 26. April 2019 fand die International Labour Process Conference (ILPC) erstmals in Österreich statt.

350 TeilnehmerInnen aus 40 Ländern fanden sich zur Veranstaltung ein und stellten 245 Papers vor. Viele kamen von außerhalb Europas, etwa aus Chile, Argentinien, Kanada, USA, Ghana, Australien, Neuseeland...

100 Jahre Rotes Wien:
Diskussion zur Aktualität des Roten Wien

Auf Einladung der Museums-Kurator*innen (Georg Spitaler) der neuen Ausstellung im Wien Museum "Das Rote Wien.1919-1934" diskutierten die Stadtgeographin Yvonne Franz, der Aktivist und Experte für Wohnpolitik...

Stimulating science-business links: lessons from the Policy Support Facility
Article on the lessons from various PSF activities on “science-business links”

Science-business links (SBL) are an important element of research and innovation (R&I) policies in many countries and are high on the policy agenda of those trying to catch up with the EU’s innovation...

ResInfra@DR Know-how exchange forum on 22-23 May 2019 in Bratislava
Focusing on research infrastructures mutual activities in the Danube macro-region

ResInfra@DR project’s mission is to improve framework conditions for research infrastructures (RIs) and innovation in the Danube macro-region. One key objective of the project is to contribute to the ...

Measuring what matters to EU Citizens: Social Progress in European Regions - Deadline: 6 May

Policy makers, representatives of managing authorities, support service organisations, agencies, applied research associations, NGOs, and others who are actively engaged in tackling social progress issues...

MEDIENECHO 26. Apr 2019
Verändert das Maker Movement die Welt?
Ein Gastbeitrag von Elisabeth Unterfrauner zum Thema "Maker Movement" im APA Science Dossier

The Excellence-in-ReSTI strategy and roadmap was published today!

On behalf of the Excellence-in-ReSTI project consortium, we are pleased to inform you that the Strategy and Roadmap document has been finalized. The document provides a summary of current challenges...

Should we agree on what citizen science is?

A new publication discusses published in PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America) discusses the question of why we should agree internationally what we consider...

Enhancing the innovation system in Kosovo
Workshop on promotion of the regulation on innovation voucher

On 24 April 2019, the project HERAS  organised in cooperation with the Ministry of Educations, Science and Technology a workshop in Prishtina to promote the recently developed regulation on innovation...

ZSI hosted a Train the Trainer Workshop facilitating exchange of good practices

Last week, on the 16th of April ZSI hosted a Train the Trainer workshop on good practices in the area of second-chance entrepreneurship policies and programmes. A day later the same event was held in ...

Katja Mayer im Ö1-Gespräch

Wer Karriere in der Wissenschaft machen will, ist auf Publikationen in renommierten Fachzeitschriften angewiesen. Ein Milliardengeschäft für Elsevier, die Nummer 1 unter den Wissensverlagen. Die Papers...

You are a non-formal science learning activity? Become a part of the SySTEM 2020 map and make yourself visible!

19 organisations all around Europe are on a mission to map STEAM education outside the classroom in 24 countries as part of the SySTEM 2020 project. Little is known about science learning initiatives ...

SSH-Impact Pathways and SSH-Integration in EU Research Framework Programmes
Background paper from the Austrian EU Council Conference on SSH impact published

This Working Paper builds on the scientific discourse on valuation of SSH research as well as SSH-integration in EU framework programmes and aims at summarizing the key findings from the November 2018...

Successful support for R&I cooperation between Europe and South Africa
Final event of the ESASTAP project

On April 12, the ESASTAP partners organised a final event at the European Commission with the presence of Director Generals Jean-Eric Paquet (European Commission, DG Research) and Dr. Phil Mjwara (Directorate...

Outline of the Mutual Learning Exercise about RTI internationalisation
National Strategies and Roadmaps for International Cooperation

The Horizon 2020 Policy Support Facility (PSF), which is supported by Technopolis, ZSI and the Manchester Institute of Innovation and Research, has published an overview of the Mutual Learning Exercise...

RRI should be purposefull, usefull, beautifull and full to be powerfull

The Energy Social Lab Workshop of the NewHoRRIzon project is going into its second round (4th and 5th of April 2019) in Payerbach, Reichenau an der Rax (AT). Aim for this second lab is to further evolve...

ResInfra@DR project starts series of Information Sessions
Events on research infrastructures in the Danube macro-region: Get involved in Kiev, Chișinău and Podgorica!

Resinfra@DR’s project mission is to improve framework conditions for research infrastructure (RI) and innovation in the Danube macro-region and to facilitate enhanced transnational cooperation, capacity...

EaP PLUS final event taking place in Brussels on June 11, 2019!
The EaP PLUS project coordinates research and innovation activities between the EU MS and the EaP countries

EaP PLUS is a Horizon 2020 funded project supporting the cooperation between researchers from the Eastern Partnership countries and EU Member states. More specifically, the project aims to enhance the...

Representatives of ZSI met with a delegation of the NIA from Thailand to intensify joint cooperation.

A delegation of the National Innovation Agency (NIA) of Thailand and representatives of the Thai embassy in Austria visited the Center for Social Innovation today. Lead by Dr. Pun-Arj Chairatana, Executive...

Mentoring Workshop für UnternehmerInnen und jene die es noch werden wollen

Danube Chance 2.0 – Aus Fehlern lernen Mentoring Workshop für UnternehmerInnen und jene die es noch werden wollen. Scheitern gehört für UnternehmerInnen dazu. Die Hälfte der im EU Raum gegründeten...

Wirkungsanalyse der Servicestelle zur Erschließung ausländischer Qualifikationen
Studie des ZSI im Auftrag der Stadt München

Inwieweit tragen die Beratung und Unterstützung von personen mit ausländischen Qualifikationen in der Servicestelle zur Erschließung ausländischer Qualifikationen in München dazu bei, dem Fachkräftemangel...

This year’s theme is “Challenging Plastic Waste”

Launch of the 2019 European Social Innovation Competition: €150,000 for three innovations reducing plastic waste The European Commission launched the 2019 edition of the European Social Innovation ...

We are happy to announce that the Excellence-in-ReSTI Infodesk is NOW available on our ReSTI-DTP website!

    Experts from EU funding institutions and the field of EU project management and practitioners provide you with profound knowledge on all topics related to EU funding.   &...

Challenges and solutions for the integration of researchers - Web conference of the EULAC FOCUS project

The EULAC FOCUS project takes up the recent events in Venezuela and links them to the research insights that have been produced by the project. In a "Hot-topic web-conference"  three speakers...

Die Ergebnisse der vom ZSI durchgeführten Bedarfserhebung in Murau und Murtal wurden in Judenburg präsentiert

Am 19.3.2019 wurden die Ergebnisse der vom ZSI durchgeführten Studie „Regionalinitative Frauenbeschäftigung - Studie zum Betreuungsbedarf und Betreuungsangebot (Kinder und Pflege) in der Region Obersteiermark...

 Excellence-in-ReSTI online questionnaire for ReSTI project professionals
Take part and benefit from the self assessment test to improve your performance - deadline: 30 April 2019!

The purpose of this questionnaire is to provide organisations with the possibility to check their know-how in five areas of EU funding and project management in which the Excellence-in-ReSTI project and...

Are you an advanced maker between 14 and 16 years? Then join our DOIT online maker community

The European project DOIT invites all young social innovators and makers from 14 to 16 years! Within our online action, we we will work on challenges on the topic "Living Together". We start at 25th of...

SENSES - Online-Training ab sofort verfügbar
Online-Training für Sozialunternehmer_innen und Menschen, die es werden wollen

Das im Rahmen des Projekts SENSES entwickelte Online-Training ist ab sofort verfügbar. Es kann nach erfolgter Registrierung kostenlos genutzt werden: Die Materialien vermitteln...

Call to participate in the ResInfra@DR support activity - final reminder!
Facilitating macro-regional scope and link up to socio-economic actors of Research Infrastructure in the Danube Region

In the framework of the project “Facilitating macro-regional scope and link up to socio-economic actors of Research Infrastructure in the Danube Region - ResInfra@DR”, the Executive Agency for Higher ...

Die Konferenzdokumentation "Opening up to an era of social innovation" präsentiert soziale Innovation in der EU.

VertreterInnen der EU Kommission, der portugiesischen Regierung, von Städten,  Projekten und Initiativen sozialer Innovation diskutierten die Möglichkeiten und Notwendigkeiten, soziale Innovationen...

Social Sciences and Humanities in Horizon Europe
Follow-up of the Austrian EU Conference 'Impact of Social Sciences and Humanities for a European Research Agenda'

On Friday, March 8, the meeting “Social Sciences and Humanities in Horizon Europe” took place on the premises of the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), Vienna. As the current EU Research Funding Program...

10th ResInfra@DR newsletter: OUT NOW!
Facilitating macro-regional scope and link up to socio-economic actors of Research Infrastructure in the Danube Region

We are happy to present Vol. 10 of the ResInfra@DR newsletter which showcases once again our joint efforts to strengthen the framework conditions for research infrastructures in the Danube region. The...

What it takes to do science diplomacy. S4D4C with a new empirical report
Practices, identities, needs and challenges of science diplomacy practitioners.

One of the principal objectives of the S4D4C project (coordinated by ZSI) is to increase the capacities of EU and EU Member State science diplomats and to offer relevant knowledge resources and training...

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