News Filter
Austria supports Kosovo in improving its system of innovation
Helmut Gassler, senior researcher at ZSI, advices Kosovo on identifying feasible innovation support schemes

On 20 September 2018, the HERAS project, which is funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation, organised in cooperation with the Kosovan Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) a conference...

Finalists of the European Social Innovation Competition 2018 announced
Klaus Schuch, scientific director of ZSI, selected together with his jury fellows the 10 strongest projects

Today, the European Commission announced the finalists of the 2018 European Social Innovation Competition. Congratulations to all of them! The finalists come from 10 different countries - Austria, ...

Die Ergebnisse des Projekts INNOVCare wurden am 5.9 in Brüssel präsentiert

Bis zu 30 Millionen Menschen in Europa leben mit einer seltenen Krankheit. Seltene Erkrankungen betreffen weniger als eine von 2000 Personen, aber man zählt über 6000 unterschiedliche Krankheitsbilder...

BESTPRAC Open Call: Exchange between Research Administrators
Deadline for applications for BESTPRAC STMS is 30 September 2018

The call for STSM (Short Term Scientific Missions) within COST TN1302 BESTPRAC is open with a closing date for applications of September 30th  2018. All details of the call are also available at...

Die OECD bezieht sich auf die Ergebnisse der FIMAS-Studie

Die Organisation für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (OECD) bezieht sich in ihrem neuesten Bericht zur Integration von geflüchteten Frauen (Liebig & Tronstad 2018) auf die Ergebnisse...

How is European knowledge production distributed across regions?
First KNOWMAK data story shows differences in regional innovation activities

The KNOWMAK data stories are intended to demonstrate the features and opportunities of the KNOWMAK tool by means of concrete applications to interesting research and policy questions. The first data...

Social innovative Entrepreneurs
Triggering innovation and entrepreneurship with kids

Our first DOIT action as part of the pilot testing of the DOIT approaches was succesfully conducted in Gröbming from the 3rd to 6th of September. In four days, 18 students aged 6 till 12 years old...

MEDIENECHO 6. Sep 2018
Social Entrepreneurship fördern
Social(I)Makers im aktuellen "Der Standard"

Die Forschungsbeilage des aktuellen Standards berichtet über das Projekt Social(I)Makers und den Start der "Social Innovation Academy". Ab 10. September 2018 können Interessierte online und onsite spannende...

Konferenz: Vielfalt von Open Success

Die 12.Open-Access-Tage 2018 finden vom 24.-26. September in Graz statt. Sie richten sich an alle, die sich mit den Möglichkeiten, Bedingungen und Perspektiven des wissenschaftlichen Publizierens befassen...

European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and the Humanities (ENRESSH) - Deadline 20 Sept. 2018

CA15137 European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and the Humanities (ENRESSH) opens a call for Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) which are aimed at strengthening existing networks...

Livestream on the 5th of September

On the 5th of September the Conference on Advancing person-centred & integrated care for rare diseases & complex conditions across Europe will be held in Brussels.  Results of INNOVCare...

SAVE-THE-DATE: Präsentation der “
Excellence in Research, Social and Technological Innovation (ReSTI) Pilot Curriculum & Training Kick-off

Wann: Dienstag, 2. Oktober 2018, 13:00 – 17:00 Wo: Fachhochschule Burgenland, Campus 1, 7000 Eisenstadt Das internationale Projektkonsortium von Excellence-in-ReSTI lädt Sie herzlich ein zum ...

Auf dem Weg aus dem Elfenbeinturm
Ein ORF-DialogForum in Kooperation mit dem Wissenschaftsfonds FWF und Uni.PR-Netzwerk

Wissenschaft und Forschung sind oft kompliziert, vielschichtig und schwer verständlich. Ergebnisse und visionäre Ideen lassen sich kaum in knappe, fersehtaugliche Sätze zusammenfassen. Angesichts der...

Philanthropy and Data for Social Good
This webinar is aimed at foundations or those interested in the role of foundations.

SIX has written a global scan to inspire foundations by showcasing how organisations and sectors around the world are already using data to create positive societal change. Therefore, in the...

SIC online event: European Day of Sustainable Communities
On Monday the 17th September at 11am BST / 12:00 CEST ...

... join The Young Foundation and ECOLISE to chat about the European Day of Sustainable Communities and the importance of sustainable and local communities taking action for a better, more sustainable...

Policy Dialogue and EUSDR PAs’ Cross-fertilisation Workshop
Competitiveness and Innovation for long-lasting transnational collaboration in the Danube Region’s bio-economy field

In the context of the Made in Danube project, ZSI with the support by the Croatian Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts (PA8 co-coordinator) and the Ministry of Regional Development and EU...

Soziale Innovation als Treiber für nachhaltige Entwicklung in den Alpen
Eine interaktive Präsentation und ein Web-Dossier von Internationale Alpenschutzkommission - CIPRA International

Marko möchte aufs Land ziehen, aber ihm fehlen Mut und Perspektive. Susanne fragt sich, was mit den vielen leerstehenden Gebäuden geschehen soll. Arzu sieht sich ob der lokalen Produkte, regionalen Küche...

S4D4C’s State-of-the-Art Report on Science Diplomacy
S4D4C's first report on the state-of-the-art in Science Diplomacy is out!

One of the goals of the early project work in S4D4C is to provide the conceptual grounds for the subsequent analyses of science diplomacy cases and governance. As one element of this, DZHW colleagues ...

Barbara Kieslinger (ZSI) und Sylvana Kroop (ZSI ) waren zusammen mit Sibylle Egger (Global 2000) auf Captor Tour 2018.

CAPTOR Tour 2018 in Austria from ZSI on Vimeo. Diesen Sommer testen wir zum letzten Mal in diesem Projekt unsere Ozonmessgeräte CAPTOR und RAPTOR in unseren Pilotregionen in Spanien, Italien und...

MEDIENECHO 13. Aug 2018
Interview: Project legacies
Interview: Project legacies
Latest 'spokes magazine' reports about legacy of projects

check the latest spokes magazine, which is all about legacies: an interview with Dr. Barbara Kieslinger from the ZSI gives some insights into how we are contributing to legacy with our co-creation ...

MEDIENECHO 10. Aug 2018
Auf dem Weg zu einer Bürgerunion?
Auf dem Weg zu einer Bürgerunion?
Europa stehe vor Veränderungen in seiner Politikgestaltung, kommentiert Philipp Brugner in der Zeitung "DiePresse"

Den kommenden Europawahlen im Mai 2019 kommt eine ganz besondere Bedeutung zu. Nicht nur wird sich zeigen, ob die aktuellen rechtspopulistischen Allianzen tatsächlich auch an Mehrheiten im Europaparlament...

ResInfra@DR Concluding Consultation Event: 24-25 October in Budapest
A save-the-date for the research infrastructure community in the Danube Region!

Project mission of ResInfra@DR is to improve framework conditions for research infrastructures and innovation in the Danube region. Work package 3 (WP3) of the project aims at contributing to improved...

Social Innovation Academy startet bald!
Spannendes Wissen über Soziale Innovation und Social Entrepreneurship

Die Social Innovation Academy bietet einen spannenden Onlinekurs und praxisorientierte Workshops rund um Soziale Innovation und Social Entrepreneurship.  Am 10. September 2018 startet der Onlinekurs...

EaP PLUS welcomes its new partner in Moldova
The EaP PLUS project’s partner 'CIP' becomes 'NARD'!

The EaP PLUS Modlovan project’s partner Centre for International Projects (CIP) is going through some changes and becomes the National Agency for Research and Development of Moldova (NARD) or 'Agenția...

ResInfra@DR project: Successfull call with high response rate!
355 experts responded to the Open Call for the registry of research infrastructure reviewers

In April, the ResInfra@DR project launched an Open Call for experienced evaluators who want to be included in a registry of research infrastructure (RI) reviewers. The registry will be used primarily ...

6th newsletter of ResInfra@DR project recently published
Learn more about project and opportunities in the context of RI in the Danube Region!

The Interreg - Danube Transnational Project “Facilitating macro-regional scope and link up to socio-economic actors of Research Infrastructure in the Danube Region” (ResInfra@DR) runs between the beginning...

Learn about the PLOTINA Monitoring Tool - it will support you in monitoring and evaluating your GEP’s progress

This monitoring tool  of Gender Equality Plans is based on 10 core indicators, and 40 specific indicators which can be selected according to your self-tailored GEP’ focus – the indicators...

CAPTOR - Ozonbelastung messen
Wir sind diesen Sommer wieder unterwegs!

Auch diesen Sommer haben wir wieder Freiwilligen aus der Steiermark und Niederösterreich Ozonmessgeräte zur Verfügung gestellt, um die bodennahe Ozonbelastung zu verfolgen.  Unter folgendem Link...

Careables: open source hardware in healthcare

We recently launched our Careables newsletter. If you are interested in DIY healtchare projects and what can be achieved when patients and makers get together, sign up for our newsletter: https://...

Migration als Chance - Wege zu einem europäischen Strategiewechsel
Philipp Brugner vom ZSI mit einem aktuellen Kommentar in der Zeitung "DerStandard"

Karl Aiginger, Direktor der Querdenkerplattform Wien - Europa und Professor an der WU Wien, und Philipp Brugner, Mitarbeiter im Bereich Forschungspolitik und Entwicklung sowie EU-Jugendbotschafter für...

Am 5.September 2018 ab 14:30, Clubraum der WU Wien

Eine Veranstaltung vom Zentrum für Soziale Innovation GmbH, arbeit plus und dem NPO & SE Kompetenzzentrum der WU Das Programm 14:30: Einlass 15:00 – 15:30: Begrüßung und Vorstellung des...

SDGs and their relevance for the future of the relations between the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)

On June 6th the EULAC Focus project (H2020) invited to a panel discussion in Vienna on the SDGs and their relevance for the future of the relations between the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean...

ZSI congratulates Katja Mayer
Our colleague Katja Mayer has been awarded with the Elise Richter fellowship

ZSI congratulates Katja Mayer on her recently awarded Elise Richter fellowship (Austrian Science Fund FWF). This programme is designed for highly qualified female scientists who strive for an university...

5th Summer School on Social Innovation Ecosystems
From 24th to 27th of September in Budapest

The Social Innovation Community project is excited to announce the programme of the 5th Summer School on Social Innovation Ecosystems in collaboration with ESSI (the European School of Social Innovation...

Discussing science diplomacy in Prague
Last month, S4D4C organised a panel discussion in Prague

In cooperation with the Czech Centres, S4D4C project members at Charles University organised a panel discussion in the Prague Old Town. The focus of the discussion was on the topic of ‘Scientists and...

PSF Report: Towards Open Science – mutual learning for systemic change
A new report on Open Science explores how to improve access to – and use of – research across Europe and beyond

Open Science strives to improve accessibility to and reusability of research practices and outcomes, but currently, there is no common baseline for how to implement Open Science nationally. To address...

Societal impact of the Vienna University of Economics and Businness
The first meeting of the Expert Board to assess the societal impact of research conducted at the WU Wien took place

The members of the Expert Group to assess and document the impact of research at the Vienna University of Economics and Business are: Stefan Pichler (WU Wien) Stephanie Rammel (FFG) Thomas Dyllick...

INCOBRA: Horizon 2020 related events held in Belém and São Luis, Brazil
ZSI actively participated in two H2020 Infodays, also held RRI workshop for Brazilian stakeholders

In the framework of the INCOBRA project, which aims to enhance Research & Innovation (R&I) Cooperation Activities between Brazil (BR) and European Union (EU), ZSI has been actively involved in...

PSF Recommendations for overhaul of Georgia's innovation system
A new Policy Support Facility report was published on Georgia with active contribution of ZSI

The European Commission's Policy Support Facility (PSF) has published a summary article (attached) with recommendations for an overhaul of Georgia's innovation system. The article is published on the ...

30 semi-finalists selected for European Social Innovation Competition 2018
Klaus Schuch (ZSI) and his fellow jury colleagues had a tough job!

Competition was rather stiff with only 30 projects selected to enter the next phase of the competition out of 731 eligible entries from 39 countries.Next stop for the semi-finalists is the intensive three...

Careables - sharing open healthcare
Enabling citizens to co-design and deliver people-centered health products through means of digital fabrication

We recently launched the Careables platform to enable citizens to co-design and deliver people-centered health products through means of digital fabrication. Digital fabrication labs and ...

Talks with Dr. Manavi from the Iranian Embassy
Visit of the Technology Counsellor of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran at ZSI

On 29 May Mr. Manavi, Technology Counsellor of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran visited the Centre for Social Innovation to learn about our projects and activities. Mr. Manavi had an exchange...

EULAC Focus panel discussion on SDGs

On June 6th the EULAC Focus project (H2020) invited to a panel discussion in Vienna on the SDGs and their relevance for the future of the relations between the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean...

Final version of ResInfra@DR training materials available for download
Resinfra@DR's mission is to improve framework conditions for research infrastructure & innovation in the Danube region

Between February and May 2018, the ResInfra@DR project organised three training events to build capacity for evaluation, planning, monitoring and management of research infrastructures (RIs). The trainings...

MEDIENECHO 11. Jun 2018
Es geht nicht mehr nur um Abschlüsse
Klaus Schuch (ZSI) im Gespräch mit Marion Rauner (Uni Wien) und Gertraud Leimüller (Winnovation)

Im Rahmen der UNI:SUCCESS 2018 fand eine Podiumsdiskussion, moderiert von Karin Bauer (der Standard), über die Zukunft der Arbeit und über die zukünftigen Herausforderungen, die sich für junge Uni-AbsolventInnen...

Excellence-in-ReSTI: Pilot Training zu Projektmanagement für die Donauregion
Bewerbungen sind bis einschließlich 10. Juni 2018 möglich!

Das Pilot Training des Projekts "Excellence-in-ReSTI" (Excellence in Research, Social and Technological Innovation Project Management, kurz: ReSTI) startet im Oktober 2018 und wird als Blended Learning...

Newsletter focused on Western Balkan countries' smart specialisation processes

The BMBWF-funded project focused on the current process of designing smart specialisation strategies in Western Balkan countries.   Smart specialisation strategies (RIS 3 or S3...

SEA-EU Joint Funding Scheme announces 2nd Call
The thematic areas will be Bioeconomy and Infectious Diseases

The launch of the 2nd Call of the SEA-EU Joint Funding scheme has been scheduled for 18 June 2018. This call will focus on the thematic areas of Bioeconomy and Infectious Diseases. This follows on the...

Innovation - Wie entsteht Neues im Arbeitskontext
Klaus Schuch im Gespräch mit Karin Bauer (der Standard) bei uni:success

uni:success, die interdisziplinäre Messe für Berufsinformation und Berufseinstieg bietet zum 12. Mal zahlreiche Vernetzungsangebote von Universität und Arbeitsmark. Am 5 . Juni diskutieren Gertraud...

Das ZSI sucht ausgewiesene ExpertInnen als TrainerInnen für die lokalen Workshops der Social Innovation Academy

Projekttitel Growing a Transnational Smart Community of Social Innovators for the Inclusive Development of Central Europe Projekt Akronym ...

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