News Filter
New call for Kosovan PhD students and post-docs launched to study in Vienna

The call addresses only PhD students in the last year and post-docs already employed at a public university in Kosovo. Grants are awarded by the OeAD-GmbH on behalf of the Austrian Development Agency...

von Josef Hochgerner im September 2014

Österreich wäre kein Sozialstaat geworden, hätte es nicht seit langem viele, insbesondere auch systemische soziale Innovationen gegeben. Dazu zählten etwa die Einführung der Unterrichtspflicht im 18. ...

Funding opportunities in Research Policy & Development
Telegram on most current calls in September & October 2014 – recommended by ZSI

The ERANet-LAC project will be issuing its 1st joint call on research and innovation of programme owners for interested stakeholders in Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean Countries on 16th of ...

How to participate in Canadian funding programmes?
Guide for European Researchers to Canadian STI Programmes & Webinars

The guide for European researchers, published in English and French, is intended to help European researchers and innovators identify and access opportunities for collaboration with their Canadian colleagues...

Neues Trainingsprojekt zu Sozialer Innovation in Unternehmen
„Soziale Innovation in KMU – SInn“ startet Ende 2014

Soziale Innovationen sind aufgrund demografischer Veränderungen und weiterer globaler Wandelerscheinungen in unserer Gesellschaft von größtem Wert für Unternehmen und haben einen standortsichernden Charakter...

Review on SUSTAIN Cluster Meeting in Bogor, Indonesia
Fruitful exchange on climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials in August 2014

Environment research projects from Southeast Asia and Europe met for ZSI-facilitated twinning, knowledge exchange and identification of follow-up and exploitation opportunities.The SUSTAIN EU-ASEAN project...

 EU-India STI Cooperation Days 2014
5th Edition with focus on energy research in November

Following in the tradition of the FP7 project New INDIGO, its successors INNO INDIGO and INDIGO POLICY together with the European Commission and the European Business and Technology Centre (EBTC) are ...

ener2i invites to the ener2i Brokerage Event on Renewable Energy Sources and Energy Efficiency in Minsk, Belarus.

The event will be held on October 14, 2014 in the framework of the XIX Belarusian Energy and Ecology Forum “ENERGY. ECOLOGY. ENERGY SAVING. ELECTRO” – ENERGY EXPO–2014. The ENERGY EXPO is the largest ...

Kooperationspartner des ZSI bieten im Rahmen eines EU-Projekts Mobilitätsmittel für Kooperation mit Australien an

Das FP7-Partnerschaftsprojekt „Connecting Australian-European Science and Innovation Excellence (CAESIE)“ unterstützt die Entwicklung von Kooperationen zwischen Forschern und KMUs in Australien und Europa...

ZSI experts edited and co-authored the recent report on innovation policies and support systems of selected countries

With this study, the SEA-EU-NET project presents an analysis of the variety of innovation support policies, programmes and instruments available in selected Southeast Asian countries. The report first...

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