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Workshop on "Labour Mobility in Central and South East Europe"

Together with the International Migration Organisation (IOM), the Centre for Social Innovation organised the workshop entitled “Labour Mobility in Central and South East Europe” at the 3rd Annual Forum...

Einreichfrist 25. September 2014

Eine Ausschreibung für europäische Forschungsprojekte mit Russland wurde kürzlich im Projekt ERA.Net RUS Plus geöffnet. Österreichische ForscherInnen können vom FWF in folgenden geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen...

ZSI's co-publication analysis as evidence base for enhanced cooperation within the Danube region

Please find more information here.

7. Jul 2014
ICT Symposium, Linz
'Cap4access' Project presented in Linz

Last week (01.- 02.07), ZSI joined the yearly IKT Forum  in Linz. The topic of this year’s symposium was “ICTs For People With Disabilities”, a topic well suited for our project 'CAP4access'. We ...

UNECE Report published

The Innovation Performance Review of Armenia continues the series of national assessments of innovation policies initiated by the earlier Reviews of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. These policy advisory...

WBC and Moldova are associated to Horizon 2020

On the 1st of July, the Republic of Moldova together with five Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia) signed association...

Policy brief published on

The first ERA Portal Austria Policy Brief in 2014 is dedicated to "Widening Participation", written by Klaus Schuch, ZSI. It describes the background of EU13 participation in the Framework...

Project information of SI-Drive

SI-Drive has issued the first edition of the eNewsletter. You will find the eNewsletter here. SI-Drive is a large-scale research project funded in the European Union’s 7th Framework Programme. The ...

on opportunities for Ukrainian researchers in Horizon 2020

In line with BILAT-UKR*AINA objectives to promote S&T cooperation opportunities between Ukraine and EU, to support the creation of networks and the participation in joint projects, we are pleased ...

Einreichfrist 31. Juli 2014

Ziel der Ausschreibungen ist die Stimulierung von bilateralen und multilateralen Forschungskooperationen zwischen Österreich und Argentinien durch die Unterstützung der Mobilität von Wissenschaftler/innen...

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