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ACCTING - First Results and next steps
ACCTING relates to a fair Green Deal and its aim to do not leave anybody behind!

The ZSI is partner in ACCTING (AdvanCing behavioural Change Through an INclusive Green deal) produces knowledge and innovations to advance behavioural change for an inclusive and equal European Green ...

ZSI Work Programme 2023
Taste the fruits!

ZSI's current work programme 2023 provides information at a glance about our main research areas, our applied projects and our current publications. You can download the report here. 

Promoting Youth Engagement in Science: A Successful Event in Banja Luka
WBC-RRI.NET event at Banja Luka University

The event "Engaging Science with and for Youth," brought together partners of the WBC-RRI.NET project (ZSI is partner and work package leader in the project). The aim was to foster mutual learning, open...

Responsible Research and Innovation in the Western Balkans
Current state-of-play in relation to the portfolio of activities developed by the WBC-RRI.NET project

    Embedding RRI in Western Balkan Countries: Enhancement of Self-Sustaining R&I Ecosystems WBC-RRI.NET is a project funded by the EU Research and Innovation Framework Programme...

ZSI researchers authored a chapter on RRI institutionalisation efforts in the ETHNA System open access book

Members of the ETHNA System consortium have published an Open Access book titled “Ethics and Responsible Research and Innovation in Practice” based on their practical experience with the RRI governance...

Horizon Europe proposal writing workshop in Belgrade
National Institute for Medical Research trained in Horizon Europe funding

As part of the TWINNIBS project, Gorazd Weiss and Philipp Brugner led a Horizon Europe Proposal writing workshop for prospective Principal Investigators (PIs) from the National Institute for Medical Research...

Science Business on building China research capacity
The EU needs an own feed of information and research-based policy advice on China

The Brussels-based news platform ScienceIBusiness writes about the EU's efforts to support pan-European research on China. The article discusses the background of the European Commission's efforts to ...

Mit technologischem Fortschritt allein ist die Energiewende nicht zu schaffen. Gefragt ist die Mitarbeit der Menschen.

Cornelia Grobner berichtet in der Presse vom 5.5.2023 über das EU-Projekt EC2. Der vollständige Artikel ist hier nachzulesen.

FOODITY Photovoice Workshop in Wien
Mit Hilfe der Photovoice Methode finden wir heraus, wie Menschen mit ihren Ernährungsdaten umgehen.

Das Projekt FOODITY hat zum Hauptziel, ein europäisches Ökosystems digitaler Lösungen zu schaffen, das unter der Wahrung der Rechte der Bürger:innen auf die Souveränität persönlicher Daten zu einer nachhaltigeren...

In November 2022, PRO-Ethics partners met to reflect on the pilot activities and further develop its Ethics Framework.

As part of this, we carried out a series of interactive workshops, starting out with a synthesis workshop on pilot experiences aimed at discussing the findings and results of our participatory pilots. ...

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