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SEA-EU Joint Funding Scheme announces 2nd Call
The thematic areas will be Bioeconomy and Infectious Diseases

The launch of the 2nd Call of the SEA-EU Joint Funding scheme has been scheduled for 18 June 2018. This call will focus on the thematic areas of Bioeconomy and Infectious Diseases. This follows on the...

Innovation - Wie entsteht Neues im Arbeitskontext
Klaus Schuch im Gespräch mit Karin Bauer (der Standard) bei uni:success

uni:success, die interdisziplinäre Messe für Berufsinformation und Berufseinstieg bietet zum 12. Mal zahlreiche Vernetzungsangebote von Universität und Arbeitsmark. Am 5 . Juni diskutieren Gertraud...

Das ZSI sucht ausgewiesene ExpertInnen als TrainerInnen für die lokalen Workshops der Social Innovation Academy

Projekttitel Growing a Transnational Smart Community of Social Innovators for the Inclusive Development of Central Europe Projekt Akronym ...

Spannendes Rollenspiel zur öffentlichen Beschaffung beim Social(i)Makers-Treffen
Wie die Social(i)Makers das Thema „Öffentliche Ausschreibung“ spielerisch bearbeiten, schildert Experte Peter Jakubitz.

Jedes Jahr vergeben öffentliche Auftraggeber*innen in Europa Aufträge in Milliardenhöhe. Die EU-Vergaberichtlinie hat den Spielraum geschaffen, neben den Preis (Billigstbieter-System) auch gesellschaftspolitische...

K. Schuch member of the Jury of the 2018 European Social Innovation Competition
The European Social Innovation Competition is run by the European Commission across all European countries

The 2018 European Social Innovation Competition is titled RE:THINK LOCAL and seeks to find the most innovative projects, products, services, business models and collaborations that empower young people...

Projekt: Promoting Gender Equality in Academia and Research - Deadline: 7. Juni 2018

Anforderungen: Interesse am Thema Gender Equality Fähigkeit zum systematischen und strukturierten Arbeiten Bereitschaft projektübergreifend zu arbeiten sehr gute Englisch-Kenntnisse Angebot...

The event will be held in Maribor, on 5th June 2018.

In the course of the training the participants will have the possibility of sharing the best practices and experiences related to this area to each other, participants are also welcome to bring and introduce...

The Best Practice Workshops were organised within the Made in Danube Project in Slovakia, Slovenia and Hungary.

The Danube macro-region provides ideal framework conditions for bio-economy due to high-quality natural resources, well-known universities and a strong industrial tissue of SMEs. However, the region...

12 regions wanted by the inDemand project: deadline 31 August

The inDemand project is looking for 12 regions interested to take up a co-creation model for the health sector. The deadline for applications is 31st August 2018 (see Application form, needs...

How do kids find and develop creative solutions? We support them.

In the framework of the DOIT project, the ZSI and the Elternverein Gröbming organize from the 3rd to 6th of September maker days for kids aged 8 to 12 years in Gröbming, Styria. The students will identify...

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