Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung (Austria)
Akronym: BMBWF
The Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research is, among other things, responsible for science and research policy and funding pertaining to universities and universities of applied sciences. Since 2014, ministerial competencies for these policy areas have been merged with economic policy.
The BMWFW coordinates Austrian participation in Horizon 2020 and is partner in a wide range of ongoing ERA-Net projects.
Within the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF), the Department for International Research Co-operation (II/6) is responsible for the cooperation within the EU Strategy for the Danube Region, the Balkans and related European-level international cooperation projects. Department II/6 is the co-ordination node for bilateral, multilateral and regional initiatives for research projects, research programmes and international S&T agreements. Furthermore it is co-responsible for the Austrian science and research attachés abroad, for Austrian membership in international organisations, for the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI), higher education-related activities of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), Joint Programming Intiatives (JPI) at European level and for other Austrian initiatives in the area research for development.
Webseite: https://www.bmbwf.gv.at/english/home/
Minoritenplatz 5
- Analysis of Austria-China Co-publications 2013-2018
- fteval - Austrian Platform for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation
- Beirat "Foresight & Citizens" der FTI-Task Force Arbeitsgruppe "EU-Missionen"
- Danube-INCO.NET
- Danube-INCO.NET (extended)
- ERA.NET RUS - Linking Russia to the ERA
- era.gv.at - ERA Portal Austria: 2013-2020
- EVAL-INNO: Evaluation in RTDI in SEE
- Evaluation of bilateral Science & Technology Agreements
- OSTA Evaluation - Evaluation of the Austrian Offices of Science and Technology in Washington and Beijing
- SDGs in FP9 - Fachliche Unterstützung betreffend Implementierung der Sustainable Development Goals ins neue EU-Forschungsrahmenprogramm FP9
- Indicators to Measure Internationalisation of Science and Research
- WBC-RTI.info - Information Platform | Western Balkan Countries | Research, Technology, Innovation
- AT-Nordamerika - Kooperationen in Lehre und Forschung zwischen Österreich und Nordamerika
- Kooperationen öffentlicher Universitäten und Fachhochschulen
- Kopublikationsanalyse AT-Donauraum
- Kopublikationsanalyse: Österreich-Indien
- DigHum - Mapping Digital Humanities in Österreich
- ADA VET - Mobilizing Austrian Vocational Training Know-How in Africa
- OA#Report - Open Access Baseline Report
- SD-Studie AT - Studie zur österreichischen Wissenschaftsdiplomatie