Austrian Institute of Technology (Austria)
Akronym: AIT
Webseite: http://www.ait.ac.at
Donau-City-Straße 1
1220 Wien
- PREF - Analysis of national public research funding
- AT-Forschungsraum
- fteval - Austrian Platform for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation
- Evaluation of the European Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation: Global Challenges and Industrial Competitiveness related to the Green Transition
- Evaluation of the implementation of HORIZON 2020, EUREKA, COSME, EEN and ERA in Austria
- Foresight on Demand "Adaptation to Climate Change including Societal Transformation"
- FoD-CCA - Foresight-on-Demand: Climate Change Adaptation and Societal Transformation
- FoD - Foresight on Demand in Science, Technology, and Research and Innovation Policy
- VERA - Forward Visions on the European Research Area
- KNOWMAK - Knowledge in the making in the European society
- MSF - Mission Service Facility
- Open FTI-Data Policy - Implikationen für die FTI-Governance
- SI-Drive
- The Future of Social Confrontations